I must say kids living in Singapore are one of the luckiest lot, there are so much to see, do and watch throughout the year. Kidsfest 2017 starts in January, and in February, I Theatre will kickstart their 2017’s lineup with the perennial favourite, a very famous Aesop fable, The Ant and The Grasshopper.
One of the first shows that my kids or at least the older kids caught with ITheatre was The Ant and The Grasshopper back in 2014 when C was just turned 3 and watching one of her first live theatre shows. I was worried about her level of understanding or if she will be distracted, but my fears were unfounded. She was mesmerised by the puppets and the songs even though she may not fully understand the moral behind the story which is the essence of any Aesop fable.

I Theatre always have a meet and greet after the show with the cast , it is great compilation of the shows we have watched throughout the years
So when I saw the 2017’s ITheatre lineup featuring this show, I have already ticked this on my t0-watch-list more for the benefit of the my younger kids (who didn’t get to watch it in 2014) as a fun and musical introduction to Aesop fables.
Once there lived an Ant – a hard-working and ever-busy Ant who never seemed to have time for play or relaxation. And then there was Grasshopper, with time on his hands and nothing much to do all day.
And visiting from time to time, there is Caterpillar!
Somehow they were friends. All day long Ant would work hard, without stop or rest, collecting grains of wheat and storing them carefully in her larder.
And Grasshopper would laugh, and say. ‘Why do you work so hard, dear Ant? Come, and rest awhile, listen to my song. Summer is here; the days are long and bright. Why waste the sunshine in labour and toil?’
Whilst Caterpillar calmly carried on, doing what caterpillars do best…
But Summer does not last long – and soon Winter and the frozen cold will come…
What will happen to Grasshopper then?
What exactly will Ant do?
And where will Caterpillar go?
These are the stills from the 2014 productions , after watching the show you will feel like its the summertime in the garden! Watch it and you will know what I mean!
The Ant and The Grasshopper
Presented by I Theatre
18 Feb – 10 Mar 2017, Thu – Fri: 10.30am
14 Mar – 17 Mar 2017, Tue – Fri: 10.30am & 2.00pm
Sat & Sun: 11am & 2.30pm
Venue: SOTA Drama Theatre
Recommended for three year olds and above
Ticket prices: $32 (excluding booking fee)
Tickets available from SISTIC.
And to kickstart my blog’s 2017 giveaway, ITheatre will be giving out 2 set of family package (4 tickets each) for the 19 Feb 2017 (Sun) 11am show.
1. Liked FB pages of mypreciouzkids.com and ITheatre
2. Followed mypreciouzkids on Instagram
3. Repost this visual on IG(tag 3 friends) with hashtag #mypreciouzkidsgiveaway and like and share this FB post (tag 3 friends).
4. Comment on this blogpost which is your must watch show from ITheatre this year.
Please keep your Instagram profile public and the Facebook shared post public (as indicated in step 3) in order to qualify so that I can locate your entry.
I will be picking the lucky winners using random.org. The giveaway closes on 5th Feb 2017, 2359pm (Sun). I will pick 2 winners( 1 from IG and 1 from FB).
Winner on FB – Elly Tan
Winner on IG – Vivilover2
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My must watch show from Itheatre this year is The Pied Piper!❤️
Definitely Poultry Tales!
Hope to win bring my children along they sure love it.
My choice: The Pied Piper ^_^
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liked and shared post in public
followed instagram
tagged 3 friends.
Hope to win this for my little girl! Thanks for the giveaway!
My must watch show from ITheater is the Piep Piper.
The piep piper
Fb:vivien lau
Poultry Tales!
Piped Piper
Our must watch show is Poultry Tales! My boys will definitely enjoy this! 🙂
Poultry Tales !
Poultry tAles
The Piped Piper is my must-watch show from iTheatres!
Looking forward to “Poultry Tales”!
Thank you for the lovely giveaway! Hope to enjoy this wonderful production with my little one.
Poultry Tales, for this new year of the Rooster!
The Pied Piper.
I’m hoping to watch The Pied Piper this year!
The Pied Piper
Poultry tales!!