With 4 kids, two in day care centers and two in primary schools, there is so much to pack daily- from their school bags, uniforms, shoes, textbooks, lunch books, water bottles, the list can be pretty endless and multiply by 4. These are very parents, Stickerkid wants to help to make our lives easier.
With customized name labels kids’ clothes and belongings can be easily and quickly labeled to be sure that there will be no more lost or mixed up things. The labels do not only make life easier for parents but also for kids: with logos they chose themselves and which are printed on the labels, they can easily recognize their personal things. This is especially important when they go to primary schools when cases of lost belonging are a common complain by parents.
Their products are Swiss made but they ship them all over the world (as it is actually very fast too -within 23 hours) Thanks to their Swiss quality, the stickers withstand washing machines, dryers and dishwashers so they are perfect for the everyday life with kids!
To order your personalized labels is pretty simple through their website. First, you choose the type of label or value packs that suit your need. For small J, I choose the starter value pack in preparation for his formal schooling next year.

And in less than 24 hours from ordering, the pretty labels arrived in our mail box.

Do check out Stickerkid as they provide a huge variety of personalized labels for children whether is to primary school or to daycare centers.
Quote Precious10 for 10% off all purchases (Valid till 15 Jul).
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
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