updated May 2021
Quote summer5 for 5% of all Newton Show and Maker 2021 Summer Camp
Media review
If you have been following my IG closely, during the circuit breaker, my middle 2 kids started reading the Harry Potter series and got all the rest of the kids hooked on Harry Potter even my 5 year old who is not able to read the books yet. They went on to watch the many movie installments on repeat mode that they can even memorised the dialogues, characters and all the spells and I can officially declare them as potterheads! We have even earmarked Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio in London as our next holiday destination when we are allowed to travel again.

yes, i brought the uniforms in all 4 houses – taken on children’s day 2020
With zero overseas holiday and frankly nothing much to look forward to for this long 6-week year end holiday, I came across Newton Show which has been offering Harry Potter holiday camps for years.
Newton Show is international science camp, started in Europe In 2011. It was started by couple, they noticed their young boy being interested in science, but at that time it was nothing on the market, which fits their child’s needs. They created unique holiday program and become very popular in Europe. In December 2016, Newton Show open first branch in Singapore with more 10000 happy customers including my 4 kids.
My 4 kids were so fortunate to be able to join the almost sold-out Harry Potter Science School by Newton Show (one of the 3 Christmas camps for this year end holiday) on the first week of the school holiday. Targeted for kids from 3 to 13 years old which was the perfect age range for my 4 kids age 5 to 12 to attend a camp together for the first time!
With the main focus of science which is the core of Newton Show, they have used Harry Potter as the main theme for their activities. This is a sample of the content of the 5-day camp but the activities may be swapped around between the days.

These are what my kids experienced during the 5-day Harry Potter Science School last week. Every day, they get to be totally immersed in the world of Harry Potter and also dabble in many science experiments to pique their curious minds.
Day 1
-storytelling of mythical creature- unicorn, mermaid, cerberus, hippogriff
which appears in harry potter whether the exist in real life
– make mythical creature using styrofoam balls
– transfiguration class where they can “turn” their friends into animal/thing
-fire bubble science experiment
Day 2
– aerodynamic -how thing fly
-how water bends light rays
– make magic potion using glitter and get to name their own potion
– glowing in the dark painting
-3-D art work
Day 3
– making artificial snow
– make own wand
– making mandrake using clay
Day 4
– studying different types of stone
– experiment using liquid nitrogen
– experiment using dry ice
– divination class using plasma ball
day 5
-making star constellation using spaghetti and marshmallow
-making lucky charms
-duelling club
-finale- award ceremony

These are some photos taken during camp by the facilitators which were shared with the parents daily (photo credit: Newton Show)
For social media sharing of some of the mind-blowing science experiments and classes done in camp so that parents get a better idea, I had the privilege to witness a repeat of the some of the activities conducted in camp earlier on the same day for photo taking and video recording purposes as part of this blog review.
I have collated the review of the camp from all my kids of different ages and their takeaways as best as they can describe to me:-
Big J, 11
After a heavy academic last quarter , this was a welcome change to indulge in a literary world with science involvement, something different and more exciting than local school classes. This was probably his last break before picking up the pace before PSLE revision starts soon. I would have thought it may be a tad boring for him given he is seemingly “old” for such camp but I was wrong. He was most excited to see the science experiments as he can make sense of it all more than the rest of the kids and of course, he made many new friends of his age group.
Big C, 9
She enjoyed the camp tremendously as she enjoyed science as a subject (this year being the first year it is introduced at primary 3). So she has more appreciation of the many science experiments conducted in camp. She is also love to tinker hence the camp gave her lots of opportunity to do things, arts, craft that she hardly had time for during school days.
Small J, 7
Being the biggest potterhead of them all, he read the first few books during circuit breaker and is totally immersed in the world of Harry Potter. He will just donned on his cloak and pretend play at home. He totally loved all the art and crafting sessions featuring all the Harry Potter related items – mandrake, magic potion, deathly hallow (using 3D pen art). He also totally enjoyed playing chess during the social interaction and games time in the morning.
Small C, 5
This was first ever outside camp that he had ever attended and he was a lucky boy as he wass not really alone as he had his older siblings with him. He learned to make new friends out of his comfortable setting. On day 1, he told me that he missed his childcare friends but by day 2 he already was so used to the new camp friends, he totally “forgotten” about his child care friends (so much for missing them on day 1). He enjoyed hands-on session like making mandrake out of clay, making his own magic wand and playing chess. What a fun and memorable first camp of his life thanks to Newton Show.
All 4 kids had wonderful memories of this holiday camp , totally believing they had graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (they also received certificate of completion and also passed their O.W.L examination) and are full fledged wizards now! They have also forged friendship with campmates and all the engaging professors/facilitators!
Given a typical year where we have our usual year end holidays, this camp would be just 1 of the many holiday activities but this being the unusual year, this camp was THE highlight of their school holidays that just began. I am glad they started their holidays with this awesome camp, and I am sad that I do not have anything better to offer them for the remaining 5 weeks.
Now you know which camp you can send your kids too if they are too bored at home or you just want to have 1 week reprieve and let your kids will have a blast on their own!
For the camp fee of SGD 630, it is an all-inclusive camp – all materials, 2 snacks, lunch, t-shirt, photo, certificate and prizes included and they will provide daily video (the only camp in Singapore that sends you a daily video). I totally appreciate their effort to compile and update the parents on a daily basis of the happenings in camp so that we can talk about it at the end of the day and share their excitement too!
Besides the super popular Harry Potter camp, if you are not so much of a potter head like my kids there is Santa Science and Mythbusters Science camps at 3 location – Center, East and West (address below)

Most of the camps have been sold out or with very limited places remaining, for latest information and camp availability, pls click here.
CENTER: 6 and 9 Mohamed Sultan Rd, 02/02 238959 Singapore
and 221 River Valley Road
WEST: 887a Bukit Timah Road
EAST: 229 Joo Chiat Road
For more information or registration,
email: info@newtonshow.com
phone: +65 8264 6655
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