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As a continuation to my first blog review on Heart Studio, this post will review a term of lessons with Heart Studio. A term consists of 10 lessons which is divided into 3 different projects – 2 4-week projects and a 2-week drawing (for technical skills).

For the first 4-week project, small C was introduced to rainbow trouts. For the first lesson , it was an introduction of rainbow trouts , habitat, fun facts before the actual drawing begins. Small C was guided on how to draw the rainbow trout.
For the second lesson onwards, small C started on the art project proper and choosing 2 different sizes and forms of rainbow trouts. This is followed by painting using water colour cake, outlining and finally completing it by cutting out the fishes. For the final lesson of this project, the kids are tasked to paint the background of the art piece before glueing the completed rainbow trouts on the painted background. Some might find it slow-paced, but this is to cater for proper development of motor skills and creativity as the kids get to make decision and choices and most importantly total ownership of the work done – with little hand-holding.

For the second 4-week project, the progression of classes very much followed that of the first project – introduction to theme and subject which was based on the spider in Eric Carle’s illustrations, initial sketching, water colourpainting and final completion on week 4 with development in focus, control, perseverance and motor skills.

I can slowly see the benefit of art classes in young kids as they can use this as an avenue to express themselves, make choices of their own and take ownership and pride of their own masterpieces. Small C looks forward to every art lesson to the extent he will remind me on Saturday nights to wake him for his art lessons with Heart Studio on Sunday mornings. My appreciation to Teacher Jay who has been taking him for the past 8 weeks , he has been such a positive influence to him. For past 8 weeks, I can truly see how small C blossomed from a timid little boy who loves to doodle for fun to a kid who is being able to express his emotions and feelings through his artworks and paintings. I am totally a proud mama seeing his development – emotionally and physically. I can truly see how art can help to develop many life skills – like perseverance, patience, problem solving skills, creativity – the very foundation of Heart Studio’s lessons . It is not all about producing a beautiful art piece or craft or many masterpieces in 1 term, but the soft skills which may not be apparent at the get-go but slowly developing over time.
Do continue to follow small C’s journey with an art studio which teaches from the heart – Heart Studio as I will share it on IG highlights every Sunday morning, small C’s favourite time of the entire week!
Do check up their upcoming September school holiday programs here. If you are not able to commit for the entire term and wish for experience art lessons with Heart Studio, do join the holiday drop-off classes and experience a different kind of art class.

In celebration of their 8th anniversary, they are giving away a set of ???? ????????? ????? ????? $?? when you enroll with them for the first 6 sign-up. See here for more details.

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