When I come across a kids related product that is made or conceptualised by a local Singaporean/ company, my radar goes up! Often enough , most kids related products are from the US or like the best wooden toys from Germany etc, seldom we do we see kids related local products which are made for us local and urban kids in mind. So when I saw BookBuddy, I knew I had to try it out in the name of supporting local products and of course most importantly to cultivate good reading habits!
Since young, I have tried to reduce screen time for my kids in the bid to delay myopia. As my older two kids are already starting reading on their own, many a times I cannot ensure that they are reading in conducive environments as I need to tend to my younger kids. They will normally grab a book and read just about any where in the house, on the sofa, on the floor etc. I can nag and nag as much as I want but I am unable to cultivate good reading habits and I hope to solve this with the BookBuddy.
I was a bookworm when I was young and often I will lie on the bed to read with no proper lighting. To no one surprise, my myopia was as high as 600 plus (though it was corrected by the wonderful technology of LASIK in my adult years).
The 3 most important elements to proper reading and healthy eyesight are light, posture and time.
With BookBuddy, kids are reminded to maintain good posture, read in sufficient light and take sufficient breaks in between read to rest the eyes with the use of light sensors. These 3 very important aspects are often overlook which is also the cause of increase the myopia in kids in Singapore. With the BookBuddy, kids are reminded to maintain all the 3 elements by the inbuild light sensors. Besides functioning as a book stand, the BookBuddy will act as my “nagging persona” especially when I am busy with my younger kids.
There are 2 light sensors indicating when its too dark, too near or too long. For example, if the child is reading too near, one of the light sensor will beep to tell the child that they are reading too near and need to be readjusted.
The BookBuddy also offer 2 reading angles – 60 degree and 22 degree . The 60 degree is more for general reading while the 22 degree is more for referencing when doing school home work.
It is also very lightweight and you can bring it along for outings or for travel. It is also very slim and fit easily in my kids’ ergo table’s pull out drawer so that it does not take up any space on the desk when it is not in used.
It may a bit early to say whether the BookBuddy will be able to cultivate a lifelong habit of correct reading habits, but it better to start earlier than later.
Check out this video where books, papers and tablets of differing thickness and sizes fit well using the BookBuddy. Most importantly, parents please ensure the battery are charged fully to make full use of the light sensors.
Powered by 2 AA batteries (which are provided with the set), BookBuddy comes in 3 colours, Brainy Blue , Perky Pink and Groovy Green. Each set comes with a 1 year warranty.
The BookBuddy is priced at SGD 84.90. It may seems a tad pricey for a “reading aid” but there is really no price to pay to maintain good eyesight and keep myopia at bay and for kids which already have myopia to slow down the increase of myopia. And for now there is a 20% discount if you were to order online here
Disclosure: I received a Groovy Green BookBuddy for the purposes of my review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
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