Review – The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》 , it’s a – mehhhhh-zingly entertaining!

Given that I had loved the 2013 Mandarin version of The 3 Little Pigs so much, I went to this year’s  The Little Company/ Singapore Repertory Theatre’s first children’s production of  The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》with high expectations. And given the fact that I have watched the sell-out English version (of the same title) last year, the story line was clearly very fresh in my mind. I guess I have some high expectations to be met. Coming out from the first weekend of the show, sharing some of the highs and lows of the show.

It is always more fun to watch the Mandarin dialogue/script

I have the privilege to watch both the English and Mandarin version with my kids. Somehow even for me who is not so conversant in Mandarin, there are many subtle jokes using the Chinese language which is oh- so-clever and witty which somehow the English language may not be able deliver. These are probably more for the adult crowd which form probably half of the audience! Yes, you need to keep in mind that you are not just entertaining the children and riskinig the rest(ie the adults) dozing off (especially for matinee show after a full lunch).

Probably a Danny Yeo’s signature as the previous production of the The 3 Little Pigs were also peppered with jokes and witty liners that could only be scripted in Mandarin. Go watch it and you will know what I mean.

The songs are so catchy as always and its so nice to hear them sing in Mandarin

A signature of TLC of course, the songs are all so catchy and easy to sing along be it in English or Mandarin. I can’t wait for TLC to produce the newer version of the TLC songs on CD so that I (I meant my kids) can sing along in the car. And the best way to learn a language or to have easy exposure to a weaker language is through music and songs! So once they have the compilation of the Mandarin songs out on a CD, I will definitely be first in line to purchase it!

SRT’s The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff 2016 - Ann Lek, O... (2)

An overall strong cast with regulars like Ann Lek and some noteworthy new faces

I love to watch Ann’s performances as she has been a regular cast in many of the TLC productions be it English or Chinese. Most recently, she was Jim Hawkins in Treasure Island. So its nice to catch her once again in a different language as she is one of the best bilingual actresses in the TLC productions. I have a few favourites and she is one of them! Another note worthy performer was “Mei Nao Mei” who is the little Bo Frilly.

SRT’s The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff 2016 - Oliver Pan... (3)

SRT’s The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff 2016 - Trey Ho, Y... (2)

Enough of how I rate the production, what do my kids think?

Yes, it was clearly mentioned that the recommended age category was between 5 to 12 years old. I had watched the English production before and know how “scary” the Troll is. I was quite confident that my coming to 3 year old is able to handle most part of it and still be entertained. Small J had to come out with me towards the end of the show  (sd my girl needed to visit the restroom like 5 minutes to the end of the show!) only to insist he wants to be back inside to catch the remaining part of the show. So much for being scared at some parts of the show then the Troll was scaring the goats!

As my older two kids are not very strong in Mandarin, they sat through without being very lost , partly as they have watch it before and also the production was pitched at their level. They being veterans to TLC productions (we watched at least 1 to 2 productions a year),  this is another memorable show in their opinion. There was an audience interaction segment whereby the kids were asked to mimic the exercise drills/workout so that the goats can muscle out the Troll. They truly enjoyed that segment!

SRT’s The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff 2016 - Ric Liu (2... (2)

SRT’s The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff 2016 - Ric Liu (2)

I felt could have been better was that the Troll was in fact the most important character in the production that they could cast a stronger actor to play the role.  It is often more difficult to play an evil character than the hero or the goody two shoes. I remember the actor (cant remember his name) who acted in the English production of the The Three Billy Goats Gruff was quite good and convincing. I felt the actor who portrayed the Troll in this Mandarin production wasn’t as convincing, or as evil or lack some stage presence . Compared to my absolute favourite, George Chan portraying the Big Bad Wolf in The 3 Little Pigs back in 2013, the Troll didn’t quite come on par.

Thankfully the overall cast was good, the very strong and witty script interpreted by Danny Yeo in Mandarin, the catchy tunes that we can sing along even after the show and with not many Mandarin productions in Singapore, I would still grade this as a must watch . Given that my kids are fortunate to watch many wonderful English local and foreign productions, a Mandarin production doesn’t come so often which makes this an ah-mehhhhhhzing experience.

SRT’s The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff 2016 - Oliver Pan.

The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》

Thursday 18 February to Saturday 26 March 2016
Mondays to Fridays: 10am
Sat: 11am and 2pm (note there are no shows on Sunday)
Venue: KC Arts Centre – Home of SRT (which was previously known as the DBS Repertory Centre)

Recommended for children age 5 and up.

Tickets priced from SGD25 and up are available from SISTIC Agent (list of agents), through Sistic Hotline (Tel: 6348 5555) SISTIC Mobile App or SISTIC Website. For information on applicable discounts: visit this website.

Disclaimer: We were given tickets to the show for reviewing purpose. All opinions are solely ours, and all photos specified are credited to Singapore Repertory Theatre.

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Giveaway of a family package of 4 tickets : Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival 2016

After the long year end Christmas and new year break, the kids returned to school but there is Kidsfest in Jan/Feb to look forward to. Then there is the Lunar Chinese new year break and before long the first school holiday beckons and what is even better than the school holiday ……. Disney on Ice,   which is a common fixture during the March school holidays as far as I can recall! This year’s installment will be the 3rd time we are watching as a family. Some old pictures to reminisce our magical nights in March for the past years….

This was taken in pre show in 2013 when C was just over 2 years of age and probably her first picture as a princess! IMG_1969

Then in 2014, we had to bring the baby along all dressed as Mickey and the princess at 3 years old.


I cant recalled why we missed last year’s show but probably there wasn’t a show last year. But it is definitely returning with a bang by bringing the cast of Frozen and featuring Let it Go! And a little treat for J for completing Term 1 of primary 1…ok its just an excuse but since we do not have any holiday plans, I guess this is the next best event to look forward to. 

Truth to be told, their mummy is a mega big Disney fan and with this year’s installment featuring Elsa and Anna, I am not prepared to “Let it Go”. Whether is it the kids accompanying me to watch or the other way around, this is a family event I do not want to miss. Sorry daddy, you have to join in for this year as we will be going as a complete family of 6 including the baby (baby enters for free if below 2 years old and do not occupy a seat).

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Besides, the ever so popular Frozen cast, kids will be entertained to Sebastian and Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Rapunzel and her charming Flynn from Tangled and Belle and Beast from Beauty and the Beast. It will be a mix of old favourites and the magical, freezing, cant-let-it-go-as-yet Frozen!
Of course not forgetting, the favourite of them all, Mickey and his friends !
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Here are 10 magical moments behind Disney On Ice to get you all geared up for the show!
1.   Disney On Ice was founded in 1981 and has since travelled to over 75countries and 6 continents
2.   The average size of the ice skating surface is 140ft [42m] x 70ft [21m]
3.   There are approximately 180 costumes presented at one Disney On Ice show
4.   And more than 100 people work on these costumes
5.   It takes 18 trucks to transport all production equipment for set-up
6.   And it takes between 12-15 hours to set up one Disney On Ice show
7.   But just about 4 hours to tear down the entire production
8.   Over 80 different colours of paint are used on the 183 props for this production
9.   The youngest performer on this year’s show is 19-years-old and the oldest is 44-years-old
10. Each performer may change up to 8 costumes in one show

Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival 2016 

11 - 20 MARCH 2016

Date: 11 March 2016 to 20 March 2016
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Tickets for Disney On Ice presents Magical Ice Festival can be purchased online via and range from $25- $120.
To learn more about Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival, please visit

Thanks to Feld Entertainment, here’s your chance to win a family package for 4 tickets to Disney On Ice’s presents Magical Ice Festival this March school holidays! Please note that the tickets are for a weekend show on either for 12 or 13 March 2016 (Date & timing to be confirmed at a later date). Allocated show date/time cannot be charged. Please ensure you can attend the show before joining the giveaway so as to not to deprive others of this magical night.

Now the usual drills…..

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2. Liked Disney on Ice on Facebook

3. Liked, shared and tag 5 friends who are new to mypreciouzkids or who are interested in the show using this postPls comment “done” on the post for my easy tracking. Do set your post to PUBLIC so that I can verify your entry. Entries that are not shared publicly will be disqualified.

4. Please comment on this blog post with your facebook name and email why you wont be letting this go.

I will be picking the lucky winner using . The giveaway closes on 28 Feb 2016, 2359pm (SUN).

Photo credit: the images of Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival are provided by Feld Entertainment.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored giveaway.  All opinions expressed are entirely ours. 

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Giveaway & Review – Math-a-Morphosis , board games are the way forward! (Part 3 of 3)

In my household, I have never owned a tablet or Ipad of any generations as I believe if I don’t have the gadgets,  my kids will have no access to it. The main driving force behind my thinking is due to poor eyesight and vision due to continued usage etc.  I am fully aware there are information abound on the Internet if used properly .  The information from the internet can do the kids a whole world of good, which is the greatest debate on the use of technology for the young and the preschoolers. I do not have an answer but in my household, I had subscribed to no ipad or tablets since the day J was born until the absolute need arises. So my kids are most happy when relatives visit as most will come with tablets or Ipad , they are one of the most technology deprived kids in Singapore.

As the family grew and kids needing attention, there is a occasional need to let my smartphone babysit the the younger crying wailing kids. Nevertheless, it was for very small snippets of time and I can’t be too rigid for my own good sanity dealing with 4 kids under 7. For example when small J whine and cry, I  will use my phone to take a video of him and let him watch his own crying on the phone. He would immediately stop his crying and watch his own videos repeatedly. That is my best “hack” for small J. It has worked in most occasions especially outside! 

So what does my kids do during spare time? I am not so fixative about watching TV though as the screen is bigger and I myself grew up watching……loads of it in fact and it did not affect my grades. I suppose the attraction of the tablets vs the TV is different and the  level of damage to the vision as well. I have used DVD like Leapfrog, I can read  to “babysit” the kids at times.

Of coz there are the toys, but they can get bored of it easily, so the best way is to keep in storage some and resurface them after a while and they will treat it with new interest!

And my absolute favourite …..board games! However for board games, it works for older kids say 4 year old and above to be able to understand the concept of the board games etc. There was a time that J was so into snake and ladders that he will invite everyone in the household to play with him including his sister who don’t really understand the concept but play along. 

And over the holiday, J discover the whole new world of Monopoly as there was a set of kids Monopoly in the kids room at the hotel that we were staying over the year end break. He was very very happy to stay in the hotel room to play Monopoly. Thank god J only discover this on the last night of our stay….if not i am sure he will just stay in and not leave the hotel room. And after the trip,  I took our my decade old Monopoly set from storage and he was overjoyed! 

I always knew J loved board games just that I didn’t have the time to sit and play with him. The only disadvantage of board games , most cannot be played singly!. You also need some one else to play with unlike the smartphone, tablets etc. But the disadvantage can turn into an advantage which open a whole side of being sociable, and not afraid of losing etc. 

And when learning Mathematics can be part of a board game…that is a total jackpot to a parent like me and its not at all boring some Mathematics can be boring because there ain’t much imagination or colour or fanciful words….so playing with Mathematical concepts…how fun can it be? I would not be going through all 26 variation of games but some of the more interesting ones for my kids.   


Numbers set


Geometry set

The sets are targeted mainly for kids ages 6 to 10 years old but how my 5 and 3 years old uses the materials in it, it is just pure magic! These two sets are locally produced by the publisher Add-venture Learning who also publishes the magazines, +venture in Maths and Inspire. You can read my reviews of the magazines in my previous posts.

Math-a-Morphosis Geometry Set


This set come with 4 different coloured sets of tangrams, 1 shape dice, 1 number dice, 1 fraction dice ,4 counters , 3 sets of cards game , 1 set of big tangram cards, 1 board game and 1 set of double sided jigsaw puzzles.


This table list the no of variation of games and the play. This Geometry set has a total of 10 games of differing levels and play mode -individual  or group. For each game, the table will show the topics covered and the skills acquired. In each of the games set, it is divided into card games and board games. 

Geometry – Card Games

I have tried several games with the kids, mainly with J of course as the games are all pitched for his age group. The first 3 games names memory, 2 Plus 1 and 3 Plus 1 (varying difficulty). These 3 games are suitable for ages even from my 2.5 year old. There are many ways to play competitive mode, or just simply play it singly just like what my 2.5 year old and my 5 year old did. There are also the more challenging 7 piece tangram formations which my 7 year old can complete easily. Even though there are some simpler 7 -piece formation one which my 5 year old can to do as well. 


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Seen here is my 2.5 year old unassisted trying to do the tangram card games from the simpler sets and my 5 year old attempting the 7 piece formation.

Board games

My 5 year and 7 year old loved the slide and splash board game. It used the 7 piece tangram set. The rule is to use the snake and ladder concept which most kids will be familiar with and the first person who complete their selected tangram picture will be the winner. Now he has abandoned the basic snake and ladder board game for this “improved” and more challenging “snake and ladder” game.


slide and splash

The tac-toe board games is double sided with 2 mode of play- fraction or tangram. After fixing up the 9-piece jigsaw, it will reveal 9 different shapes. The concept of play is just like how we play tic-tac-toe, ie winner is the first to form a straight line. For the fraction-tac-toe, it uses a number dice to determine whether a player completes the selected shape or complete half of the shape depending whether it is odd or even number.  For the tangram-tac-toe, it uses the shape dice to determine which share the player get  to pick first and complete using their own tangram pieces.





I must admit this is the more favoured set of the 2 game sets as it has 4 coloured tangram pieces  set (colour and tangible appeals to younger kids) and concepts which my younger kids understand ie shape.  However for J he is indifferent has he loved different games in both set.

Math-a-Morphosis Numbers Set


This set consist of 1 10-sided direc, 2 6-sided number dice, 2 sets of Number Friends cards (0-20), 2o hexagon counters and 2 sets of number plates (0-9) and 10 operations plate (6 ‘+/-‘ and 4 ‘x/÷’), 2 board games and 3 number hunt game sets.


This set has a total of 16 variaion of games divided into card and board games of varying level , play mode. The list also outlines with topics and skills corresponding to each game.

Numbers – card games

Number memory game are suitable even for younger kids. It is a fairly simple concept of covering the 10 pairs of cards from 0 to 9 and the person who has the identified the most identical pairs win. To make it a bit more difficult , remove the “0” pair , and instead of matching similar numbers, matching by number bond of 10 ….9&1, 8&2 etc. For older kids, you can even use 2 sets of of 1-20 number cards and create memory cards game for multiplication and division too!

Fun with Numbers is a set of 24  puzzles involving whole numbers and 4 operations. Using the number plates provided, J is able to try different permutations to find the correct combination. Some of the puzzles are more difficult than the other. Just work through the different puzzles with your child and this make addition and subtraction less of a chore and fun!

(p/s not to worry there is a guidance booklet with suggested answer if the parents themselves have difficulty)

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Numbers – board games

One of J’s favourite is the number hunt game. There are 3 variations to this board game consisting Number hunt I, number hunt II and fraction hunt. The difference between Number hunt I and II is one uses addition and subtraction while the later used four operations. For now, the fraction hunt will be too difficult for J as he is not expose to fraction yet. He was happily “hunting” for the correct number sets on a Friday night which is designated as PLAY night!


Number hunt & fraction hunt



3-Out is a visual and strategic thinking game whereby the player loses if 3 hexagon counters are in the same line.



Math chess is a mini board game for pupils to practise forming maths sentences using 4 operations. This game can be played individually. For primary 1, you may begin with addition and subtraction plates first before venturing into all 4 operations.


maths chess

My favourite childhood board game was Mastermind. Much to my delight when I saw a similar concept game appearing in this Numbers set. It is called the secret code. Instead of using coloured pegs, it uses numbers! Yellow hexagon counters represent the number is not in the correct position while the red hexagon counters represent the correct number and position.

Secret Code

Secret Code

There are still many unexplored games in both sets and varying level of difficulties. So these 2 sets will be still of use when J goes to upper primary to introduce him new concepts through play. I guess the main problem for parents is finding time to “play” with the kids. Of course if you have 2 primary school going kids, there maybe less of an issue as they are play most of the board games together. The older kid can even teach the younger kids new concept like how J teaches C to play the number bond memory game. For the other games, it will be for me to play with J mostly for now. In the constant call for more face time and less screen time, this may be the way forward and board games to me are a better investment that toys! Board games can be heirloom too….like my decade- old monopoly and scrabble sets!

These game sets are priced as a bundle of 2 sets at SGD 70. Individually they are priced at SGD 40 a set. You can order through using this form. 

Finally, the giveaway as promised, it will be the exact same 2 sets of Math-a-Morphosis game sets of Numbers and Geometry(worth SGD70) featured in this review for 1 very lucky reader (which includes free delivery to your home) for hours of mathematics fun and family bonding. 

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2. Liked Add-venture Learning  on Facebook

3. Liked, shared and tag 5 friends who are new to mypreciouzkids or who are interested in these products or giveaway for ALL the 3 posts of these series:  post 1, post 2 and final post

Pls comment “done” on the final post for my easy tracking. Do set your post to PUBLIC so that I can verify your entry. Entries that are not shared publicly will be disqualified.

4. Please comment on this blog post , which product from Add-Venture learning do you like the most and why(bonus step)

I will be picking the lucky winner using . The giveaway closes on 21 Feb 2016, 2359pm (SUN).

Disclosure: I received a set of +venture in Maths , Inspire  and Math-a-morphosis game sets for the purposes of my review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own. 


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Giveaway & Review – Inspire magazine, WOW ! (Part 2 of 3)

This is the second of a 3 part series blog review for the wonderful publications and products by Add-venture Learning. It is not just 1 magazine but 2 magazines in 1 issue. Hence each issue has 2 covers, The Wonderful World of Words (WOW) and Exploring Our World.

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The Wonderful World of Words (WOW)

This magazine follows the adventure of the Royal family of WOW and learning grammar in the fun way. The first issue introduces King Norman Nautilus Noun. No prizes for guessing what the King will be teaches the readers….NOUNS! There are colourful pictures to introduce what are nouns and even a picture puzzle to find nouns in the picture. In the second issue, Queen Verb is being introduced to the readers and there was a fun exchanges between the King and Queen whether Noun or Verb is more important.

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Besides introducing the royal family, the magazine also introduces the Fabulous Forest of WOW. Kids will also learn grammar through problem solving by helping Owl, Rabbit and Squirrel by finding out why the animals of WOW are behaving so strangely. There are also fun mazes and games to accompany each story.

Exploring Our World

This magazine introduces social issues and values through the use of stories, poems and lots of hands-on activities which follows the adventures of Kit and his friends, Mitra and Hairy. They will be exploring the world around them and introduce values such as positive self-esteem, how everyone is special and many more through the 8 issues.


What accompany this magazine are many fun hands-on activities. Some of the examples are shown in the pictures below:

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There is a poetry corner to introduce the values taught in each issue.


Finally like in the +venture in Maths magazine, there is a half a page of Parent’s page to outline how parents can further encourage the child using  the values outline in each issue and on how to use the Hands-on activities with the child.

There is also a section called “Dear Kit” where the child can send short notes to the publisher and they will be rewarded with little gifts.


Both magazines are written by local English educators and are in line with MOE syllable. 

With all schools on STELLAR programme for English language, there is no longer a textbook or a workbook for English. Some parents like myself may be a bit lost when we don’t see thick textbook to accompany the child’s learning. With the Inspire magazines, the parents are guided as to what the expectations are for primary 1 English syllable.

The colourful and short comic strips on both magazines are also very engaging not just for my p1 boy but also for my younger kids aged 3 and 5. They are able to appreciate the stories and also engage in the hands on activities such as finger printing whereby the kids are introduced the concept that finger prints are unique.


I am also thinking of using this magazine to slowly introduce English in a more systematic manner to my 5 year old girl instead of throwing her with English worksheets and workbook randomly (that was what I did for J).

The magazine can be subscribed via school or home at a price of SGD 37   for 8 issues per academic year (additional top up of SGD 10 for home delivery). As this magazine is newly launched in 2015, , currently they only have it for primary 1 and are currently working on issues for the primary 2 onward. For more details, do check out their website. 

You can view my earlier post in on +venture in Maths here.

Next up, will be my review of the many many games that you can play with your kids using the Numbers and Geomety Math-A-Morphosis game sets. As there is continued emphasis for less screen time and more face time, board games are the way forward and I can tell you my kids are begging for me to play with them every night ever since they spotted these two sets at home!

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The giveaway will be revealed on  the third and final post of this blog series, do follow these blog posts closely. Do remember liked and shared this blog post as well to qualify and also like mypreciouzkids on facebook so that you wont miss the final blog series which has the giveaway as well.

Disclosure: I received a set of +venture in Maths , Inspire  and Math-a-morphosis game sets for the purposes of my review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own. 



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Giveaway & Review – +venture in Maths magazine, when Mathematics is fun and colourful! (Part 1 of 3)

After going through the Junior Young Scientists and the Young Scientists magazines (see here for the previous review) for my two older kids (J & C),  and how light and fun reading is able to inculcate early awareness and interest in the science subject, I started to look for similar book materials -ie magazines/newsletter for other subjects in primary 1.

Besides science, I found out there are also locally published magazines catered towards Mathematics , English and Mandarin. The publisher – Add-venture Learning Pte Ltd publishes the Mathematics( +venture in Maths) and English magazine (Inspire). I will the covering the a 3-part blog series for all the wonderful products by Addventure. Firstly, I will be reviewing the +venture in Maths , followed by the Inspire and finally the Math-A-Morphosis game sets.

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magazines and games set by Addventure Learning



+ venture in Maths magazine

+venture in maths magazine is catered for primary 1 to primary 6. The magazine has 16 full-coloured issues (4 issues per term) with 2 bonus issues for lower primary and 1 bonus issue for upper primary 1. And what makes the magazine relevant is that the contents of the magazine follow very closely to MOE syllable as the magazines are written by local mathematicians. The magazine can be subscribed through the school or directly to home (for home delivery, there is an additional top up SGD 10 for delivery fee). You can check with the class teacher before subscribing on your own to save on the delivery fee and potential bulk discount. What I understand most primary school who are partnering with the publishers will offer this subscription to the students by end of Jan.  You can check out the primary schools with partnership with them in this link

I will be reviewing some of the earlier issues (in term 1) for primary 1 with J. Firstly, I wanted to find out the comparison of MOE math syllable for primary 1 for term1/2 and compared it against what is being introduced by the first 4 issues of +venture. Yes, the magazine follows closely with the current primary 1 MOE syllable and textbook.


p1 textbook


first 4 issues of p1 magazines

Every issue is divided in 7 colourful sections and 1 bonus e practice worksheet (online)

  1. Funstart are stories on the history of Math. The first few issues introduce how Egyptians wrote their numbers. They even posted the video of the Funstart stories on their youtube channel. Even though it may not be relevant to primary 1 syllable, but it is fun general knowledge and to introduce simple mathematics based stories to the young. Even my 5 year old girl enjoyed listening to the short stories. You can view the video for the story in the first issue here to get a flavour of the short stories.


  1. Concepts

This is where the MOE syllable kicks in. The concept for that issue will be explained in colourful and fun illustratives. For example, you can see how the number bond and substraction concept is being “taught”. I have taken a step further to do a side by side comparison vs a typical assessment primary 1 math assessment book. I am sure the kids will more keen to learn from the very colourful and thin magazine as compared to a black and white thicker assessment book.

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  1. Practice

Then to apply the concepts into the real work would be 2 to 4 pages of Practice.

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  1. Games and Puzzle

To enforce the concept even further, there will be  a page of games or puzzle.

In the first very issue, parents are tasked to help the child to make hexagon counters as manipulatives. (Do note that if you have also bought the game set, in the Number game sets there are also 20 hexagon counters which you can make use of). For those who did not buy the game sets, fret not, there is even on online tutorial to teach who to make the hexagon counters from straw. These hexagon counters will be used for games found even in the first issue!

One page puzzle also can be found in some issues which are like mazes, tangram puzzles,  number bonds etc

  1. Explore

Using the same concept taught in this issue, this one page section introduces new and function activities to further strengthen the concept. For example in the issue on basic shapes, Explore section introduces students to make their own Tangram, how a square can be made into  2 triangle and so on.


  1. Parents’ page

It is a half-a-page extra notes and pointers to parents on how to further strengthen the concept ie through the use of outdoor activities, games, daily observation, etc


  1. Competition

This is always on the last page of each issue whereby students can complete and have to mail to the publishers. The first 20 correct entries drawn from all the entries will win attractive prizes.

p/s there are also answers to all the practice, puzzle and explore sections at the back of the issue!

8. E practice (bonus!)

There are also e-practices that can be downloaded from the website. The password for each issue’s e practise will be revealed by solving a simple puzzle or question found on the cover of each issue.

What I really like about the magazines is that it is full of colour, non intimidating, thin (16 pages)  mathematics “worksheets”. Some parents may find the concepts in the initial issues a tad too easy as these concepts may have already been covered in K2, but these concepts served as a revision and to bring a standardised level of knowledge to all primary 1 students coming from different background and preschools such child care, kindergarten etc.

As I have received the issues at home, I will let J do an issue every fortnight before the concept is being taught in school. Now it is only Term1 week 2, not much has been taught in school, so we can slowly introduce the concept through the magazine at home. So when he goes to school, he will have better appreciation and be familiar with the concept. What he is unsure, he can further check with the Maths teacher. This is also my quick read up on what is being taught in school week on week basis and term by term basis.

In most primary schools, the students are required to bring English/Chinese books for silent reading before assembly. I like to offer these magazines as reading materials for my son as it is light and thin and the short stories or comic strips can be completed in 1 sitting (they probably have 10 to 15 min to read if any). This is unlike having a thick and bulky story book, which he could probably finish just a few pages and having to carry the book to student care, then to school and back home is not something I fancy. For now, J is bringing his Young Scientist issues to school. He can now have more options such as the +venture in Maths and Inspire magazines.

The +venture in Maths magazine set is priced at SGD 37 per level which work out to be around SGD 2 dollar per copy. You can also top up another SGD 60 to obtain 2 game sets (Numbers and Geometry) to accompany the magazine set. The combination of the magazine set and the game sets is called the + venture Set which is priced at SGD 97. The game sets will be reviewed in the third and final post. For further details, do check their website

Do check with your child’s Form teacher if they have partnered with the publisher to save on the delivery fee and receive the issues through the school. As the issues are distributed every fortnight through the school to students,  it will be kept in pace with the school delivery of the different concepts. Some primary schools are also using the magazines as supplementary materials to further reinforce the concepts in a more colourful and interactive manner.

Next up will be my review of the Inspire English magazine. This magazine also can be subscribed via school or home at a price of SGD 37   for 8 issues per academic year (additional top up of SGD 10 for home delivery). As this magazine is newly launched in 2015, currently they only have it for primary 1 and are currently working on issues for the primary 2 onwards. 

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2 magazines in 1 Inspire issue

The giveaway will be revealed on  the third and final post of this blog series, do follow these blog posts closely. Do liked and shared this blog post as well to qualify.

Do like mypreciouzkids on facebook so that you wont miss the next blog series!

Disclosure: I received a set of +venture in Maths , Inspire  and Math-a-morphosis game sets for the purposes of my review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

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Giveaway – The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》!

If you have watched the English interpretation of The Three Billy Goats Gruff last year and loved it, this will be one for the calendar in 2016! The Little Company (TLC) kicks off this year’s lineup with the Mandarin interpretation of hugely successful English production of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

If you have read my previous post on TLC, to date, my personal favourite is Mandarin version of The Three Little Pigs in 2013 and it still is! And with TLC doing 1 or 2 Mandarin productions in a year and continued emphasis of bilingualism and the importance of Mandarin, if one has to pick and choose which shows to attend , this is a clear favourite.  The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》is adapted in Chinese by Danny Yeo who also did The Three Little Pigs’ adaptation in Chinese! Will it be my new favourite? Even I am totally looking forward to this!

Just a list of the TLC’s productions this year (start planning your kids’ theatre calendar this year!)
The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Mandarin)

18 Feb – 25 Mar 2016

Recommended ages: 5 – 12 year-olds


1 Apr – 30 Apr 2016

Recommended ages: 7 – 12 year-olds

The Three Little Pigs

11 Aug – 25 Sep 2016

Recommended ages: 2 – 6 year-olds

Charlotte’s Web

28 Oct – 11 Dec 2016

Recommended ages:  5 years and above

The Three Billy Goats Gruff 《三只山羊》 (羊老大、羊小二,小咩咩) are a close-knit bunch who graze happily together with their caretaker, Little Bo Frilly. The goats were faced with a horrible drought and they started to run out of food. So they made a decision to cross the bridge to the other side of the valley in search for food. At the bridge, lies a frightening troll that loves to feast on goats (given my experience from the English productions, some younger kids are afraid of the troll, hence, you may want to abide by the recommended ages or not sit so close to the stage)

Not forgetting what TLC does best, are the many catching songs that accompany the production. I do hope that TLC volume 3 will come out soon to incorporate the songs from the 2015 and 2016 productions. I would love to have the songs played in my car to sing with my kids after watching the productions !

A well known fairy tale where most kids already know the story line, so for many young kids who are weak in Mandarin (my kids included), they will be able to follow the storyline even though it is told in Mandarin and  still enjoy themselves as well (instead of being “lost in translation”)



The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》 will be staged from 18 February to 26 March 2016 at KC Arts Centre – Home of Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT) (previously known as the DBS Arts Centre )

The Little Company’s The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》

Thursday 18 February to Saturday 26 March 2016
Mondays to Fridays: 10am
Sat: 11am and 2pm (note there are no shows on Sunday)
Venue: KC Arts Centre – Home of SRT

Recommended for children age 5 and up.

Tickets priced from SGD25 and up are available from SISTIC Agent (list of agents), through Sistic Hotline (Tel: 6348 5555) SISTIC Mobile App or SISTIC Website. For information on applicable discounts: visit this website.

Hence to kick start my blog as well for 2016, GIVEAWAY of a Family Package of 4 Category One Tickets (worth SGD129) to watch ’The Three Billy Goats Gruff《三只山羊》’ on Sat, 20 February 2016, 2 pm.

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I will be picking the lucky winner using . The giveaway closes on 17 Jan 2016, 2359pm (SUN).


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Review – what a ride with Treasure Island


Treasure Island was perhaps one of the more complicating stories that has been brought to life by The Little Company (“TLC”). I was initially worried so I quickly head out to the nearest book store to grab a copy of the Usborne Reader of Treasure Island which was at J’s reading level and we read together.


Even in the concise storyline by the Usborne Young Readers, there were many characters in the story which even as an adult find it difficult to link one to another. But the takeaway from having read the book was that J had an overview of the key characters in Treasure Island. And I told J that in the play Jim Hawkins will be a girl in the play instead of following the original storyline.

photo credit: Singapore Repertory Theatre

photo credit: Singapore Repertory Theatre


photo credit: Singapore Repertory Theatre

I was mesmerised by the elaborate costumes and the set which was switched effortlessly between Admiral Benbow Inn, Hispaniola and Treasure Island. It was perhaps one of the best sets I have seen from TLC.

After watching the play with 2 younger ones who didn’t really know the story, they are able to enjoy the play as well as there were many catchy tunes and a many cute singing coconuts and a parrot. There was some parts where C was about apprehensive when Jim Hawkins was captured and tied with ropes but at the end of the show, she told me that she did enjoyed it as  well. As with all children productions, the story ended with a sweet note! Shall not elaborate too much so as to not to create a spoiler!

Probably the longest and the best The Little Company’s children production that I have ever watch! Though it was recommended from ages 5 onwards , my 2 and half year old did enjoy himself tremendously. He remembered Long John Silver’s parrot and singing coconuts ( it was one of the lighter moments in the play, clearly a crowd’s favourite) The intermission of 20 minutes in between 2 halves of 40 minutes was very much welcomed especially for younger kids.

Remember to take of photos with cute standee before or after the show!

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Treasure Island
Fri, 30 Oct – Sun, 13 Dec 2015
Mon – Fri : 10am
Tue(10 Nov):11am
Sat & Sun : 11am, 2.30pm

Weekdays (Tue – Fri)
Standard: S$35, S$32
*Family Package of 4: S$119 for Cat 1 tickets
*Family Package of 4 (with TLC CD Vol.2): S$131 for Cat 1 tickets
Weekends (Sat & Sun)
Standard: S$45, S$42
*Family Package of 4: S$153 for Cat 1 tickets
*Family Package of 4 (with TLC CD Vol.2): S$165 for Cat 1 tickets
Get your tickets here

Disclaimer: We were given tickets to the show for reviewing purpose. All opinions are solely ours, and all photos specified are credited to Singapore Repertory Theatre.

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Giveaway & Review – introduce science fun to the very young by The Young Scientists and Junior Young Scientists

Truth to be told, I have not heard of these range of very informative and colourful science magazine until a mummy friend told me that there are science magazines locally published which cater to kids as young as 4 years old. And you can get it from Popular book store or at Popular fair…ok I should start spending more time at Popular and its book fair..but science for a 4 year old…is it abit too young?? Would they be able to understand?? I was quite skeptical until I saw the magazines myself.

Science is a subject only taught from p3 onwards (not even p1) and it is definitely not the easiest subject to be taught(IMHO) (more so for parents to teach science in a home setting but it is the most interesting subject for me in school. Frankly thus far, I have been “reinforcing” the core subjects -English, Math, Chinese especially for the p1 going boy as I refused to believe in p1 preparatory classes (on hindsight maybe I should have outsource it given that the 2 younger ones are seeking more attention from me). Science is often an after thought as it is not a subject for the first 2 years of primary school (still have time kind of mentality). However, science can be a very interesting subject especially for kids who are not so much into languages. And any early exposure can only do a whole world of good!

Young Scientists Pte Ltd (the publisher of the magazines that I will be reviewing) is the pioneer in creative publication of science in comics style.  Through this style of magazine (comic strips), it hopes to stimulate young children’s interest in science. The magazines are currently being  distributed in Singapore, Malaysia, HK and India.


Junior Young Scientist is meant for kids age 4 to 7 years old and The Young Scientist is for p1 and above. The Young Scientist is divided into different levels , Level 1 for p1 and p2, Level 2 for p3 and p4 , Level 3 for p5 and p6 and Level 4 for lower secondary. I will only focus this review on the Junior Young Scientists and The Young Scientists level 1 as they are suitable for J and C.

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Junior Young Scientists is recommended for kids from age 4 to 7. It comes in a pack of 5 issues. All the various packs and edition for this series, you can find it here.

Each magazine has 3 stories and each story comes with a page of pre-story to introduce the content of the story.


The magazine boast big texts and colourful illustration which captures young kids’ attention easily. It is done like a comic strips with speech bubbles and makes me realise I seldom have such book of such nature (ok my kids do not own any comic books) And these magazines are the best kind of comic books that I can introduce to my kids. In between story time section, there are also game time which has activities such as colouring, matching, maze, etc before proceeding to another story. Each issue has a good amount of information through its story and interesting facts which are simple to understand for the age group from 4 to 7 years old. Nothing too “chim” and general knowledge on plants, animals, weathers, body parts can be easily introduce to the kids at a young age. I wish I know of these series when J was younger! One can use these short stories as bed time stories as well as it is not too lengthy nor wordy. It is also good for role playing for kids who can read to promote parent and child bonding.


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However, I did find it a tad too simple for J who is 6 plus year especially the activity pages which are more suited for C. Nevertheless there are some information that are new even to J like meat eating plants like the pitcher plants etc. For now, J reading mainly from The Young Scientists level 1 while the Junior Young Scientists issues “belong” to C.

The Young Scientists (Level 1) structure is different from the simple structure of the Junior version. It comes in a pack of 10 issues. All the various packs and edition for this series, you can find it here.  It covers a diverse range of information using comic to let readers absorb new and fun facts. There are many little facts at the bottom of the page to enforce the information on the comic strips. Besides that, they also point the parents to information on the youtube that can reinforce the learning. Unlike the Junior version, there is no activity pages. But for a 40 plus page magazine, every issue is packed with a whole lot of information. Very compact and easy to understand especially for information that J is not familiar with. However, I do wish there are some activities like crossword puzzles, filling of blanks to reinforce what has been read.


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The Junior Young Scientists are priced at SGD 20 per pack which contains 5 issues while the Young Scientists are priced at SGD 55 per pack which contains 10 issue. Do check their website as they have promotions and currently the 2015 collector’s set are at 15% discount.

You can also purchase  at all  Popular or MPH bookstores.

You can actually keep the magazines (just like story books) for the younger kids in future. It is not like your typical magazines where you read and probably will recycle/throw. It is more like a book which can be passed on to the younger siblings or friends with younger kids. I am sure in time to come my home will have many issues of both the Junior Young Scientists and The Young Scientists. You can also start an annual subscription for 2016 issue through the website as well. There will be a total of 10 magazines which means 1 magazine delivered monthly from January’16 (#153) till October’16 (#162) 2015 (10 issues) at SGD 55.  Not sure about your kids but my older ones love receiving mails in their name.


The publisher has kindly provided me 1 set of Junior Young Scientists and 1 set of The Young Scientists to be given away to my readers. I hope your kids will like the magazines as much as my kids. The usual drills of my giveaway……

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I will be picking the lucky winners using . The giveaway closes on 29 November 2015, 2359pm (SUN).

Disclosure: I received a set of Junior Young Scientists and The Young Scientists for the purposes of my review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own. 




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Review – Yelly Mat , probably the smartest Mat in town

One of the must-have baby items that every household which has a soon to be crawling baby is a playmat. There are many brands of differing quality but one of the best in the Singapore are those made in Korean. The brands that I am aware of are Parklon, LG, Asobang etc and they have a few things in common, good quality and it ain’t cheap. However, this is an investment which can be used for many years and if its your first child, you will definitely get your money’s worth. I bought this Fisher Price korean made playmat 6 years ago (cant remember the brand , I believe it was LG)  when I had my first child and it seen through me through 3 babies. And except for pen doodling  and some discolouration due to sunlight, it is pretty much the same as the day I bought it, no tear in the edges etc and if my memory  didn’t serve me wrongly , I bought it for close to Sgd 200 and probably this Sgd 200 item serve me the longest and now it is in my 2 year old’s  room so that he can play his toys comfortably on the mat.

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korean made fisher price mat that have served me for the past 6 years

I didn’t plan on getting another mat for baby C and thought if i ever need a mat, I will bring this from small J’s room to wherever the baby is lying, crawling etc.

Then mummy Audrey from Thelittleonesinmylife brought in a revolutionary play mat from Korea. Besides being a good quality mat (typically made in Korea) for the sole purposes for the baby to crawl, lie n do anything the baby pleases…it is also a learning mat.


It is called Yelly Mat and it is endorse by the super cute Yebin , a cute Korean toddler very popular on social media.


The mat is good size at 210 x 140cm x 15mmMy previous Fisher Price mat was at 11cm so Yelly Mat feel even more comfortable as it is thicker. In terms of quality , it is very much of the good quality as the mat I had for the past 6 years but this is way more comfortable being thicker. And maintaining such mat is very easy, just clean with damp cloth. If you want to be a bit more kiasu, you can wipe it with 1 round of sanitiser after cleaning with the damp cloth.


also endorsed by my little boss baby C (the world is his oyster!)

It comes with the cutest talking pen which recognising based on optic (ie the images on the mat)  J, C and small J are the most happy when the mat arrived because they saw the cute duck talking pen (the pen come with 1 year local warranty). As this is not the first talking pen that they owned, I didn’t have to show them how to use it. Point and the pen will talk and there is hardly any time lag between images on the mat. How can I miss out that this very smart mat can talk in 6 languages ie English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Spanish and Vietnamese.


just perfect size for the little hands!

Yelly Mat being a two sided play mat , this also means there is more learning to be done on the flip side as well.

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I would say the side with the map was more interesting to my 6 years old as he is familiar with famous landmarks and many of the countries. There are even little quizzes on this side of the mat that J took interest in. I would say that this side of the map may be more suitable for kids age 5 and up.

The main side of the mat , the images and learning concepts are more suited for age 1 year to 4 years old. It covers a whole lot of early learning concepts like shapes, days, colours, animals, letter recognition, there are even songs selection when the kid wants some music and dance. My 2 year old loves to point at the animals and he is quite well versed with animals in English . With the mat, he can learn the Chinese name of the animals. In future,  he can also “self-learn” shapes and colours especially when I am preoccupied with the baby or when I need to spend more time with J next year when he enters primary 1.

As for my 4 year old, she loves it when it is on the Chinese language mode as she is very interested in the language after her new found confidence in speaking and reading Chinese this year. So she would want to know the Chinese pronunciation of the animals/items she does not know. The mat has become her Chinese teacher at home which obviously teaches better Chinese than myself. Here a video of my 4 kids age from 5 months to 6 years old using the Yelly Mat!

The Yelly mat set also come with a set of poster which uses the talking pen. All 6 posters are of A2 sizes and you can have them in the kids bedroom’s wall for them to learn with the talking pen. The learning concepts ranges from numeracy, animal, letter recognition to even music etc. (do note that this set of 6 posters comes free with every set of Yelly mat purchase till 31 Dec, thereafter the set of posters will be sold at SGD 20)


6 posters in a set in A2 sizes

If this mat was in the market 6 years ago when I had my first child, this would be the preferred mat of choice. Besides giving a proper place for the baby to crawl and play without worrying that the baby may bump the head on the hard floor, this revolutionary mat has another purpose which will extend its “lifespan”. Toddlers and preschoolers can also “self-learn” from the mat as well until age 7 or older.

This is another product (just like the Brolly Sheet) which I can use for many years and for many kids. Even if you only have 2 kids, it is a very worthy buy. You can ask around with many experienced parents (ahem like myself) will tell you that the playmat is our best investment that it lasted us for many years and still in good condition to hand me down to relatives and friends.

The mat is currently retailing at SGD 399 at thelittleonesinmylife webstore. For now, there is a 10% promotion which will end at the end of this year which means the mat is now at an attractive price of SGD 359.10!

For orders before 31 Dec, you will also be getting a set of free poster! After the 31 Dec, the posters can be purchased at SGD 20.

For the direct link to the product for online ordering, click here. There is free delivery to your home for every mat order. 

For those who want to touch and feel the actual mat, it is on display at TLO’s showroom at 208 Hougang St 21 #02-201 S530208. Do check before going down to the showroom at 81832426.

Disclosure: I received a Yelly mat set for the purposes of my review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own. 


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Giveaway – Treasure Island by Singapore Repertory Theatre

I am a big fan of Singapore’s local productions of children’s theatre in particular SRT’s The Little Company (“TLC”). I started patronising TLC since 2011 when J was just over 2 years of age and our first very show was Jack and the Beanstalk and my personal favourite is the Chinese productions of The Three Little Pigs in 2013, I was totally mesmerised by the charisma of the “wolf”.

Besides being competitively priced, I preferred local productions as they have a local twist to their interpretations and we do have many very talented local actors and actresses in Singapore. And they have many catchy songs which they have complied into CD which can be purchased at DBS Arts Centre!

We have watched many productions from TLC be it English and Chinese  and they never disappoint. They are entertaining , comical and I being an adult also will not stop humming the songs after the show so I really enjoy having the TLC CD Vol 2 in my car player.

For their final production this year , it’s the adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island .

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Treasure Island’ follows the adventure of Jim Hawkins, a lion-hearted 13-year-old girl who receives a treasure map from a kooky old seaman. Jim is tasked to help find the hidden treasure, but the road to riches is never smooth sailing. In the original story, Jim is a boy but TLC’s interpretation of Jim as a girl proved that there is no feat to great for boys or girls.

I can’t wait to go on a theatre adventure with J , especially for a treat for him before he embarks on his formal schooling next year!


photo credit: Singapore Repertory Theatre

‘Treasure Island’ will be staged from 30 October to 13 December 2015 at DBS Arts Centre – Home of Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT).

The Little Company’s Treasure Island

Friday 30 October to Sunday 13 December 2015
Mondays to Fridays: 10am
Tue (10 Nov): 11am
Sat & Sun : 11am and 2.30pm
Venue: DBS Arts Centre – Home of SRT

Recommended for children age 5 and up.

Tickets priced from SGD32 and up are available from SISTIC Agent (list of agents), through Sistic Hotline (Tel: 6348 5555) SISTIC Mobile App or SISTIC Website. For information on applicable discounts: visit this website.

And for the biggest giveaway on my blog, a Family Package of 4 Category One Tickets (worth SGD153) to watch ’Treasure Island’ on Sat, 21 Nov 2015, 11a.m.

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I will be picking the lucky winner using . The giveaway closes on 15 Nov 2015, 2359pm (SUN).

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