Celebrating Lunar New Year at Universal Studio Singapore and SEA Aquarium (9 to 28 February 2018)

Media Invite

I can’t recall when was the last time I visited the SEA Aquarium or Universal Studio Singapore (“USS”) but like every local, when we have a local attraction we hardly visit or only visits when relatives from abroad visit. I guess the last time we visited, we were in as a family of 5. So, this will mark as our very first time entering the park as a family of 6 , 2 adults vs 4 kids 0f different heights…lets see if we manage to enjoy all the rides and attractions especially the new ones for this month only!

This is also our very first time enjoying the lunar new year festivities with Resort World Sentosa and seeing how they have incorporated  the biggest festival of the year (IMHO – some may say its the Christmas celebrations) in their 2 of the most popular attractions – SEA Aquarium and USS. I think the biggest highlight would be the iconic dragon dance at the SEA aquarium.  I have always taken a fascination to dragon and lion  dance but an underwater dragon dance will truly be an unique performance not to be missed!

From 9 to 28 February, especially for locals and families who are not travelling abroad and have the whole long weekend in Singapore ( and the weather seems to be holding up and cooling too), this makes it the best time to pay a visit to either the SEA aquarium or USS or both. If you have young kids like me, perhaps taking one attraction on separate days will be more advisable to fully enjoy instead of rushing through it.

Both attractions have slot in new items as part of the Lunar New Year celebrations so that there is always something new to enjoy even if you are a regular park-goer.

Universal Studios Singapore (9 to 25 Feb)

  • Majestic Dragon Trail – new!

No Lunar New Year is complete with dragon dance and traditional costumes! Incorporating the traditional dragon dance with all the favourite USS characters like Minions, Sesame Street friend and Puss in Boots (all decked in Chinese traditional costumes)

The 20 minute trail happens at 1pm and 5.30pm daily , from New York passing to all the zones ending at New York with different characters appearing at all the different zone. For eg, at New York will be the characters from Sesame Street and at Far Far Away will be Shrek and Fiona. So if you are up for it, you could follow up throughout the trail. There is also meet and greet after the dragon dance performance too!

  • East- Meets-West Street Performance by the Rockafellas and Mel’s Dim Sum Dinettes  – New! 

Incorporating eastern elements and tunes, the crowd’s favourite Rockefellas will serve a brand new show – Fu Fighter at the New York Public Library while the Mel’s Dim Sum Dinettes from Mel Diner’s will entertain all theme park guest to lunar new year tunes in cheongsam! They were even belting out tunes in Chinese, all in conjunction with Lunar celebrations!

As the timing are varied to check at the park entrance for  timing.

Hello Kitty Studio 

This was launched last year but this is definitely new to me. We had  plenty of photo ops as I am a big fan of Hello Kitty myself! I was so glad that I managed to enjoy this part of the park while the boys wait out for us girls to finish our little tour!

All this are included in the paid park admission and the parks are open till 8pm or 9pm on selected night. Singapore resident enjoy a special rate of S$72 along with a complimentary S$5 meal voucher.

At the end of the day,  we made it through many rides, (adults taking turns if one of the kids was unable to ride due to height requirements), even small C did his first Madagascar – A Crate Adventure, but he was too late for nap so he had to miss King Julien’s Beach Party- Go- Round . Small J had his first even roller coaster ride at the Enchanted Airways and enjoyed himself thoroughly at Puss in Boots’ Giant Journey – the most popular kids’ ride!

We even caught the brand new Elmo TV’s Time.

photo credit:RWS

Over at the SEA aquarium, not to be outdone by USS, they are also hosting new exhibits and items just for the lunar new year celebration from 9 to 28 February.

S.E.A. Aquarium (9 to 28 Feb)

  • Singapore’s only underwater dragon dance -New! 

A crowd’s favourite from previous years, divers will all  be decked in festive costumes performing dragon dance with the backdrop of all the sea animals in the SEA aquariums – from manta rays to zebra sharks. This year, we also caught the Sea Goddess as an addition to the dragon dance ensemble.

This happens at 1.30pm and 3.30pm daily (11.30am on Sat, Sun and PH) at the open ocean habitat and shipwreck habitat. Thereafter , you can proceed to the Ocean Dome for a story telling session by the Sea Goddess at 12 and 2pm daily (4.30pm on Sat, Sun and PH). I was in awe with the effort that RWS even to details of the costume of the Sea Goddesses –  truly all attention to make sure all park-goers have a wonderful time and creating wonderful memories!

photo credit: RWS

photo credit: RWS

story telling by the very beautiful sea goddess which happens after the underwater dragon dance , all about sustainable seafood and conservation

  • Trail of Fortunes -New! 

Highlighting auspicious sea creatures, SEA aquarium has create a new perspective to their guest to discover fun fact and also weaving conservation theme as part of the learning as part of the Lunar New Year programmes.

photo credit: RWS

Singapore residents enjoy discounts on admission at S$34 and S$22 for a child.

I am so glad that we have managed to soak in some Lunar New Year festivities and celebrations before the real celebration begins later part of this week.

If you have some time from the visiting  and wish to soak into more lunar new year mood and festivities, both attractions offer their own unique interpretation of our biggest festival of the year! I wouldn’t favour one over the other, but it depends very much if you want a more leisurely and comfortable day out or a more adventurous one!

Taking this opportunity to wish all my readers , family and friends a very paw-perous new year and enjoy this festivities with your family and friends!

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Review – Marshall Cavendish Parents Science Workshop – An introduction to Science Process Skills

After attending my first ever primary science workshop last Saturday, (see review here) I am back for another 1.5 hours session which focuses on science process skills. Conducted by assessment books author Miss Low Wai Cheng, she outlined the framework of the primary school science and in particular the process skills needed to excel in this subject – SCIENCE.

There are 3 important dimensions of Science which are the content (which is primary what is taught in the textbooks) the processes of doing science (which is the science process skills) and scientific attitudes (being curious and imaginative, enthusiastic etc)

This is the Singapore Science curriculum framework outlining the 3 important dimensions in the 3 triangles. In a nutshell, the science curriculum seek to nurture the student as the inquirer.

This workshop outlines the 11 skills and 3 processes in the framework


1.Observing (lower block)  – uses five sense to make good observation, and most important as it is the foundation to all the other science process skillls

2. Comparing (lower block) – identifying similarities and differences

3. Classifying (lower block) – sort objects into group based on their observations

4. Using apparatus and equipment (not tested for psle)

5. Communicating

6. Inferring (upper block) – explanation and interpretation from observations

7. Predicting (upper block) – guessing the outcome based on observations

8. Analysing

9. Generating possibilities

10. Evaluating

11. Formulating hypothesis (upper block)

Some skills set like classification tends to be used across all levels.  As the workshop was a short session, the trainer did not go into details process skills 8-11 which are of higher order thinking.

This is the difference between observation, inferring and predicting from the same picture.


  1. Creative problem-solving

  2. Planning investigation

  3. Decision-making

The trainer also went through a few model questions (not to get the answers) but to identify the science process skills that is required to answer the question.In school, teachers are not only teaching the contents but also strengthening their process skills in order to excel in science. We as parents also can weave such process skills in our daily lives by asking questions based on our daily experiences ie when taking out an apple, where did the water droplets on the apple come from? We are also plan regular trips to science centre, zoo, parks or botanical garden to observe, explore and discuss natural phenomena.

This workshop only serve as an introduction to all the 11 science process skills for primary school science. For more in-depth workshop on science process skills, there are 2 other workshops – one for upper block process skills and one for lower block process skills.

For the complete list of parents science workshops in Term 1 (priced at SGD 20 or SGD35 for 1.5 hrs or 3 hrs workshop respectively) , click here. For the other subjects, click here

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

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Review – Marshall Cavendish Parents Science Workshop – Understanding Science Concepts

This is not my first parent workshop with Marshall Cavendish, you can read about my first session here. I truly benefited the previous workshop that I attended as I had better understanding of the requirement of a particular subject or sub-section of the subject. So as my eldest enters primary 3 and science is being introduced, I do personally feel a lack of confidence in myself to be able to guide and support  him in excelling in science. I was a science student all the way to Junior College even doing Physics and Chemistry but the themes in the current primary school science syllable perturbed me. To me, science is divided into Physics, Science and Biology. To my surprise, I see themes like Diversity, Cycles, Systems , Interactions and Energy. It sounded so foreign to me that I can’t visualised how science is being taught in primary school now. So these workshops organised by Marshall Cavendish couldn’t come at a better timing – start of the academic term.

In fact, this workshop is the first of this year’s series of science workshops that is organised by Marshall Cavendish enlisting their authors, subject experts and passionate teachers to guide parents like myself who wish to be more involved in the teaching process , and in the known of the curriculum and  syllable.

Today’s trainer was Kelvin Chia is who is also an author of several of Marshall Cavendish’s primary school assessment books and with 14 years of experience in teaching science behind him, he shared his knowledge in teaching, marking and parents’ expectations.

This workshop is pitched to parents of p3 onwards and especially useful for clueless parents like me who are “learning” this subject for the first time. The current science syllable is based on the 2014 science syllable which you can see from the MOE website. I bet my money that many parents would not have read through this 78 pages pdf documents outlining the current syllable. However, Kelvin mentioned that it is imperative to have an idea of the syllable in order to guide your child into understanding the learning outcomes that are tested in the PSLE, ie no need to go beyond the syllable and learning outcomes as prescribed by MOE.

As today’s workshop was more introductory in nature, I have listed down the key take-aways.

1. Science is less of a spiral curriculum that Mathematics

One of the biggest key differences between Science and Mathematics, is that Math is more of  spiral curriculum whereby you need to know p2 Math before you can do p3 maths etc. However for Science , there is no need for you to know P3 science before you can do P4 science, for eg, you do not need to know the lifecycle of a plant before doing reproduction. Primary School Science is divided into lower (P3 & P4)  and upper block (P5 & P6), which means that the school is free to doing any of the themes within the two year period unlike the other subject.

2. PSLE exam format

The PSLE science paper consist of 2 booklets of MCQ and OEQ (open-ended questions) and to be completed in 1 hour and 45 minutes.


As mentioned in point 1, Science is not a spiral curriculum, the student may have learn a topic in p3 and the same topic not revisited in p6 and yet it could be tested during PSLE. So PSLE science test all themes in both lower and upper block. So for PSLE the student need to revise and know all topics covered from P3 to P6.

4.PSLE Science is 40% knowledge and 60% application of knowledge and process skill. 

This mean a student who has memorised all the science facts in the themes would be able to get 40 marks but if he is unable to apply it, he wouldnt be able to score well.  Application of knowledge and process skills is the ability of the students to interpret information using of one or more of the following process skills – inferring, predicting, analysing, evaluating, generating possibilities, formulating hypothesis and communicating.

Kelvin also brief in the 5 step in answering OEQ by going through 2 PSLE questions.

Step 1  – looking for clues,  Step 2 -identifying Task Words (classify, compare, describe, explain, differentiate, identify, infer, list explanation, Step 3 – identifying topic that is being tested, Step 4 – identifying key words from the topic tested and Step 5 – phrasing the answer using CER (Claim, Evidence and Reasoning). As the workshop was only 1.5 hours, Kelvin could not deep dive into each of the steps in greater details. I am sure there are workshops specifically for answering such OEQ.

As this year’s Marshall Cavendish workshops have been reformatted to shorter durations – 1.5 hours and 3 hours (as compared to prior years’ workshops which were 6 hours long) , today’s workshop of 1.5 hours I felt was a tad too short to fully reap the benefits. That said, the amount of information that I have receive in that short 1.5 hours has been very beneficial to me personally as I embarked on learning primary school science with my child. In fact, I have enrolled for next week’s science workshop!

For the complete list of parents science workshops in Term 1 (priced at SGD 20 or SGD35) , click here.  In fact. the science workshops are on every Saturday till the March schools holidays!

For the other subjects, click here

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own

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Giveaway & Review : Big Ideaz Education Online Writing Academy

With the exception of Chinese language which I didn’t study in school, I am fairly confident in tutoring my child in the other subjects myself especially Mathematics. However, there is one component of a subject (even when I in school it was the paper that I struggled a fair bit even though I read widely) that I have little confident in teaching and guiding my primary 3 child -English composition.

I am often lost for words when I needed to guide  big J in his school writing. Even if I had written the composition myself and pass it for scoring, I am sure the marks awarded would not be satisfactory too. I did try to buy some composition and creative writing assessment books but I don’t think it is useful in my “cause”. Save for the some model composition writing books, I have since stop buying assessment books which aim to teach kids to write. As my kids schedule are quite packed, I am not inclined to start another enrichment class. Most of the English classes also teaches the other aspect of English ie comprehension, vocabulary , grammar, synthesis etc but at this juncture, I think big J needed more guidance is in composition specifically.]

So the Tiger mum in me started big J on an online writing academy by Big Ideaz Education during the December holidays. As we didn’t have a long holiday and big J was “loitering” at home , I thought it will be best to prep him for p3 composition writing.

What I really like about  Big Ideaz Education online writing academy is that it is done at the home and at any time the child chooses. There are 4 lessons in 1 month, of course it is best to do it on a weekly basis. The best part (and this part you can’t really get out from the regular classes), I can go through the video with my child so that I am well versed with the format and expectation of primary school composition.

To sum it shortly after going though the course with big J for 1 month plus, big J and myself as a parent  now have a fairly good idea the structure of a good composition. I love that the online writing course teaches big J each component of a composition per lesson (and not overwhelming him). Even as a parent going through the online video, I must say that the lessonshas been done in a systematic way.

The online course started with introduction for lesson 1 and slowly introduces the other parts – events leading to the problem, the problem, the resolution and the conclusion.

I may not be able to guide him but I am more aware of how marks are awarded for each component of the composition and what kind of content that the teachers are looking for.

For example, it is often encouraged to put a speech in the introduction to make it make the composition more interesting and appealing to the reader. And how to introduce the problem and its resolution with more depth and content than merely resolving a problem abruptly. After each lesson, parent will download and print the written homework. I will print 1 month’s homework at 1 go so that I have the homework ready after each lesson. Then I will scan big J’s written assignment and submit online for marking and returned within 5 working days with the comment and improvement points. The child is sometimes  require to do draft 2 so that he can incorporate the improvement points and make it a better composition.

That said, when it come to home-based learning, as there is no fixed schedule and timing, the child must have some discipline to go through a weekly lesson which consist of less than a 10 minute video followed by a written work. Online course may not work for every child but if your child (and the parent too) have the discipline, this may be the best arrangement without attending a proper writing class at this juncture. I will definitely let J go through few more months and see if this helps him in his composition writing and if both myself and big J have the discipline to do this on a weekly basis. It is too early to tell if this online writing course is helping big J but he is more aware of what he require to write for each component of a composition such as incorporating speech in the introduction, to describe more feeling that merely just telling etc.

You can also read more about the founder and the teacher behind this online portal here . Do check out her blog as well as she give insights into English subject and composition.

Big Ideaz Education 




Big Ideaz Education has kindly sponsored 1 reader for 2 month access to the Writing Academy (8 weeks of lesson worth S$188) for kids p3 and above.

1. Liked FB pages of mypreciouzkids.com and Big Ideaz Education

2. Followed mypreciouzkids on Instagram

3. Liked and share this FB post and tag 3 friends who will be interested in this.

Please keep your Facebook shared post  (as indicated in step 3)  in order to qualify so that I can locate your entry. Bonus: repost the IG post with #mypreciouzkidsgiveaway and tag 3 friends (1 tag per comment)

I will be picking the 1 lucky winner. The giveaway closes on 4 February 2018 2359pm (Sun)

Winner: Teo Muan Hua

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

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Painting with a heart at Heart Studio

I have always known of the holiday art classes at Heart Studio from many years back and they have the most awesome themes that ALL kids love – My Little Ponies, Cars, Star Wars, Shopkin – you name a cartoon theme that your kids love they probably have it especially during the holiday programs. When I had only 2 kids, I do indulge them with weekly art and craft sessions with them at home but since the addition of the younger 2 boys, I didn’t had time to do that at all. It is very tough doing art and craft sessions for 4 kids and to clear the mess thereafter.

On a normal schooling days my kids have their regular enrichment classes and school, art classes would be an after thought. I do believe in the benefit of art classes as in my younger days I did dabble in it as well and even won some art competitions during my primary school days. I even had art classes but it was more pure practise than talent, so I can’t really draw and paint like a real artist. I don’t think my kids have much artistic streak or talent but my kids do love to doodle, paint , colour and draw. When I told them I sign them for a session of art with Heart Studio during the school holiday, they were over the moon. They have been asking me incessantly since the school hols started when is their painting session.

I only had a small happy problem – it is not possible to find a similar slot for all 3 kids based on their theme they like (qualms of a FTWM as i cant be possibly bringing each kid at a different session) but Heart Studio will be happy to do a swap during the same session. Big J had unicorn as his theme for his age gropu, which he isn’t too keen but big C is, so they did a swap. Big J was even happier painting snowman than unicorn for sure. And small J has the theme of his dream – Cars !

All 3 kids were in different classes due to the age group and complexity of the art theme. Before starting, they get to choose the picture they would like to paint as a guide.

I can tell the teachers at Heart Studio are patient and fantastic with kids. Small J is usually very apprehensive with new classes, he even asked if I will be with him throughout the art class initially but he warmed up to his teacher immediately! In fact, in small J’s class there was a boy 1 year younger than him and he could follow the class and listen to the teacher too!

You may wonder how is it possible for kids as young as 3 or 4 to paint such beautiful paintings – I was there thoroughout the session (not in the class per say but I check on their progress now and then). Firstly, they do have a picture to give them an idea how their final artwork will look like. They are guided step by step, stroke by stroke, detail by detail (big C unicorn had a tiara instead of a flower garland) and choose any colour details so make their art work truly their own (and only 1 in the world!)

first step is to sketch the object

painting the background and the main objects

drying before applying another layer of colour

There is definitely more help and guidance for the younger kids as the motor skills are still developing especially for fine lines and smaller details but i would like 90% are done by the kids themselves throughout step by step guidance from the very patient teachers (it was 2 hours 4 5min long!) and hence you wouldn’t believe how good the final product looks!

In fact, if you are looking to buy or commission paintings to decorate your kids room, may I suggest that you send your child for a session and you can have a respectable art piece by your own child  at the end of your session for their own room!

In fact, as we were making out way home with their masterpieces, they asked when they can be back to paint again as they enjoyed it so much. The teachers at Heart Studio have been so wonderful and patience throughout that they had such a wonderful experience painting to their hearts’ contents and having a piece of their own framed in their rooms! I may not be able to slot it into their weekly schedule, but I will definitely slot it into their holiday schedule. This half day art camp definitely works for FTWM during the holiday seasons!

I think there are several more sessions for the December school holiday program , you can check out at this link

Heart Studio




Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

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Child Kitchen by Ippudo : Super fun ramen making for the school hols and super value for money too!

All my kids are BIG fan of ramen. They even does the slurping noodle sound just to show oishi ramen taste!

And when I stumbled across the ramen and gyoza making session conducted by Child Kitchen at Ippudo Robertson Quay, I know it is a must try for my ramen loving kids. In fact, Child Kitchen is part of Ippudo group and they have been organising similar ramen cooking classes in Japan, Malaysia, Thailand etc and they brought it into Singapore (only at Robertson Quay outlet) a year ago. It doesn’t happen every weekend, probably on the average one or two session in a month and it get sold out pretty quickly too or it has been taken up by a private event. You can add your email into their mailing list and you get notify when a new session comes up.

In fact, such cooking sessions are also suitable for adults for enjoy cooking and savouring ramen. They believe in the power of food to unite people centering around how to cook an authentic ramen.  Besides imparting culinary skills, these sessions are perfect for family bonding through the love for Japanese food.

After many missed opportunities and packed weekends, I finally secured slots for my 3 older kids at the start of the loooonnngg year end school hols. Suitable for kids aged 4 and above (below 6 need parent accompaniment) , we finally conducted our first ever ramen and gyoza making last Sunday! In fact, they have been incessantly asking me when the cooking session will happen when I told them about it in early Nov. Do note that you get Ippudo standard ramen to savour at the end of the session too – IMHO one of the best ramen in SG. At SGD 25 per pax (min 2 pax at SGD 50) for a 2-hour session , I think its the best value for money kids cooking session and you have a Ippudo standard bowl of ramen complete with cha siu and egg.

When we arrived   – aprons, bandana, all set nicely on worktable.

We had 3 packet of flours for our 3 little ramen chefs. First order of the day is to make our own ramen. Mixing lye with floor, we knead into a big round dough. It was mess with flour, but it was clear fun mess (thank god i dont have to clean the mess too). Thereafter, we split into 3 portions -1 for each kid and their portion was placed back into the plastic bag and into their apron’s pocket for it to set.



Next, its time to make the gyoza skin. Dividing a small portion of dough into 3 parts (to make 3 gyoza each) , they had to create 3 round gyoza skin using a template. Thereafter, they will put the chicken filling in the middle of the skin and using the same filing on the side around to “create a glue” to skin the edges together. It will then be handed over to the real chef to steam and pan-fried the gyoza.

Finally, its time to bring out the ramen dough and the most fun part – flattening the dough. They double-wrapped the dough , lay out the mat and had all kids remove their shoes. The kids are tasked to flatten the ramen dough using their feet – stomp, jump etc what ever it takes to flatten it so that rolled into the noodle maker machine.

They did two more round of “flattening” using the noodle machine until the actual ramen size noodle. All the kids had a good portion (Adult size) which will be cooked and filled with soup by the kitchen.

After 1.5 hours of kneading, rolling, jumping, stomping, my kids were famished and eagerly awaiting for their own made ramen and gyoza! I must say it tasted even better than my ramen at Ippudo as it is made by my kids (I had a taste as I finished the left over as the portions were huge!). I guess this was our best kids cooking session , they were so full from their ramen and gyoza that they didn’t needed any dinner at all.


we even had our own Ippudo chopsticks and spoon to bring home

For December, they will be conducting ramen and cooking making session, do check out poster for more details and how to register.

Child Kitchen


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own. 

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Bromin Tech/Lite – Probably the lightest ergonomic school bag in Singapore!

I was on the lookout for a lighter ergonomic school bag. If you want ergonomic feature in the school bag, the lightest I have seen  is also weighing at 900g plus. Some ergonomic school bag goes up to 1.2kg without book too! So I am very mindful of the weight of an ergonomic school bag, and daddy is not too keen on ergonomic schoolbag due to the “heavier” weight! He is quite happy to get a light and non ergonomic school bag but I have always insisted that the kids should carry ergonomic school bags and I have tried to source for the lightest one possible. Currently the kids are using ergonomic school bags at 900g. Bromin Emporter seems to have heard me by introducing probably the lightest ergonomic school bag in Singapore.

A bit about Bromin, it is a Singapore-based bag maker and importer founded by Gabriel Tay, who is a father himself ie like a parent like me who recognises two facts  – ergonomic bags are heavier and more expensive. Recognising this opportunity and being in the same industry, he has managed to design and manufacture 2 models (pink and blue) to  fill up this gap in the market –  an ergonomic school bag under 0.7kg and priced under SGD 90 (introductory prices) and the best part it has lifetime warranty !

With big J in mind, I had received both models – Tech and Lite to compare and contrast, however, I will be keeping 1 model for big J and the other bag (brand new, used for photography purposes for this review) will be given to one lucky read. Do note that my preference may not be your/your child’s preference.

Bromin Lite (Introductory price SGD 88)

Both models sport very similar back support with plush cushion with waist and chest strap to balance the weight of the bag on its carrier. So in this aspect both models are pretty similar! Its odd that I show the back of the bag instead of the front first because to me this is the most important part of  an ergonomic bag –  its back support!

I would say the Bromin Lite has a more sporty and stylish feel  with the flip top cover and a G-Hook. It has a drawstring opening which opens wide to see all its content.

i liked that Bromin Lite opens up and stay that way to see all its content in a glance!

The front compartment extends inward into the bag so you wont have a “budging” front compartment when your kid stuff all his knick knack in the front compartment.

Measuring at 38cm high, 25cm wide and 21cm, it fits comfortable on my 1.25cm 8 year old and it weigh at a mere 665 g only!

The Lite model has 4 knobs at the bottom -this feature is not found in the Tech model.

Two good size side pockets for water bottle – similar in both models

Bromin Tech (Introductory price S$68)

This model sports similar great back support with plush cushion, waist and chest strap just like Lite model, and 2 side pockets! I would say this model look more like typical school bag and open using a zipper as compared to a drawstring opening in the Lite model.

For the Lite model, you see everything from the top while the Tech model it opens up to the front.  The bag sits upright even when the main compartment is open.

The front compartment is not as roomy as Lite as it does not extend inwards but it does have extra pocket compartments in it with a key holder.

Measuring at 38cm high, 30cm wide and 18 cm deep (slight wider but less deep) and 10g heavier (so negligible!) at 675 g and it fits big J well too!

Side by side comparison

For those who are undecided which model  ( I had a hard time selecting which suits J more), I have more side by side comparison for your decision making.

Its a pretty hard choice and it also very much depend on its user which method of opening he/she prefers – zipper or drawstring!  But from a price point perspective, Bromin Tech seems to be a more economical model at SGD 20 cheaper and have almost similar dimensions and weight! Personally, I prefer a zipper opening to a drawstring version, hence I chose the Tech model for big J which means I will be giving out Bromin Lite to 1 lucky reader – giveaway steps at the end of the blog!

Lifetime warranty

The warranty protect against any manufacturing and material defects. However, it does not cover for any wear and tear from usage. Following the steps in the hang tag, do remember to register your warranty upon receiving the bag to ensure validity of your warranty.

For a limited time only, pre-order the bags online to enjoy $20 off retail price and delivery will be made in November at www.brominemporter.com/kids

You can also check out the bags at all Tom & Stefanie outlets from next week onwards (13 Nov) to let your kids try on the ergonomic bags themselves or order online for free delivery – introductory prices will be valid till end of the year. You can also order it from Lazada.

Bromin Emporter





As mentioned above, Bromin Emporter has given me 2 two different models in blue to review.  I have kept Bromin Tech model for big J as he prefered that model. Hence, I do have the Bromin Lite model worth SGD 108 (in blue) to giveaway. Do note that it is an entirely new ergonomic school bag which I have opened and took photos for this review only. It was not used in any other way. Hence, I would need to arrange for a meetup for collection too , up to my convenience (weekday at Novena, weekend and nights at Potong Pasir).

1. Liked FB pages of mypreciouzkids.com and Bromin Emporter

2. Followed mypreciouzkids  and Bromin Emporter on Instagram

3. Liked and share this FB post and repost this IG post using #mypreciouzkidsgiveaway and tag 5 friends in the same IG post (1 tag per comment) on the same IG post.

Please keep your Facebook shared post and IG shared post public (as indicated in step 3)  in order to qualify so that I can locate your entry.

I will be picking the 1 lucky winners . The giveaway closes on 26 November 2017 2359pm (Sun)

Winner: @iamalicetan

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own

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A bloom for every occasion – A Better Florist

I always think that blooms and flowers are reserved for birthdays or anniversaries but I realised that flowers can be a gift for any celebrated occasions. I know that flowers wither and die and they do not last forever ie the man will say waste of money, but I came to realise that a bloom is a sweet gift to celebrate little milestones / occasions/ birthdays/ anniversaries and the list goes on! That is exactly what A Better Florist delivered to me.

So this wonderful gift was what I got last Friday, which happen to be my last day of work with a company that I had worked for 9.5 years, a company that I had joined shortly after my marriage and I had 4 kids during my tenure with the company. I am truly grateful for the immense work life balance that probably is the reason why I manage to add my brood to above national average too. It was a bitter sweet occasion and a totally emotional-charged day for me and coming back home to see the bloom and the sweet bites made it all better! Believe it or not, the flowers did make my bitter sweet mood all better through the weekend as I prepared for new challenges ahead leaving my comfort zone and probably having lesser time with the kids and blogging. So if you hear less of mypreciouzkids on social media, its probably I was swamped with my new work.

Enough of me and back to the bloom, I chose The Wonderland which was not only had a beautiful bouquet of tulips, macarons and chocolates (which was the extra surprise)! But of course I didn’t quite have a share of the macarons as they are my kids’ favourite dessert  -it came from macarons.sg which is really nice and not overly sweet!

I must also give a shout out to their wonderful CSR by sharing a picture of your bouquet on Instagram by using hashtags  #FlowersDoGood #ABetterFlorist tag @ABetterFlorist and also someone who makes you smile, A Better Florist will deliver a flower to a special needs child at Rainbow Centre. Besides that, one winner will be chosen every month and the winner will receive three free bouquets to the people of their choice!

So as I realise, you don’t really need to wait for a birthday or an anniversary to put a smile on your loved ones’ face or just simply to brighten a long and difficult day like my day last Friday and A Better Florist delivers really fast and fresh too!

A Better Florist





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Wooden toys (i dare say) that last till the next generation – Janod by My Miracle Baby

I have a love and hate relationship with electronic toys..i guess more hate than love. When I had my first kid, I brought lots of toys, electronic ones mostly. It doesn’t help that that a particular well-known imported toy brand had many warehouse sales making the toys a bargain so my house was filled to the brim with electronic toys. I love them as there is so much light and sound effects coming from it and it sounded like the real thing, however, over the years I find it difficult keep track or remove the batteries when not in play for a long time. I also noticed that kids often are very attracted to electronic toys but the span of attention is often shorter and they lose interest in such toys very fast. So with many instances of batteries leakages etc, I have stopped buying electronic toys or any toys that requires batteries in the past years as I do not have the time or energy to keep track of the batteries and also my kids lose interest in it very fast too.

Lately, I am in more into free forms toys – toys like Lego and also wooden toys. I came acquainted to a French brand called Janod.

Janod is a brand which specializing in wooden toys for the past 40 years. They are recognised for their striking range of children’s wooden educational toys, each beautifully designed with bright bold colours with children’s learning in mind. In Singapore, Janod is exclusively distributed by My Miracle Baby

There are many wooden pretend play toys by Janod carried exclusively by My Miracle Baby, I had to think really hard as big C is a little past the age of playing for kitchen sets and I have 2 younger boys. Do I get a “boy” toy for the sake of the 2 younger ones like the tools set or a kitchen set?  Finally I decided I should not segregate what is consider boy’s or girl’s toys but one that they would be most keen in and I always seen them gearing to a particular pretend play set at play gym etc –  a kitchen set. No one say boys can’t play kitchen set, or that it is a girl toys – in fact my 8 year old boy plays with it too!

The kids were so excited when they saw their latest toy. All toys will give the same effect however, a good toy is one where they are use their imagination during play and many hours of play thereafter, that is when parents feel that its money’s worth and on my part, I do not have to worry about removing the batteries in case of leakages!

There were a few kitchen/cooking set by Janod carried by My Miracle Baby but the French Cocotte Maxi Cooker caught my attention as it doesn’t look too girly..the other set was all pink and sweet.

Let me spam you some pictures how cute is this set. The detailing is superb right down to the “feet” which are  like chicken feet.

love this wooden clock, perfect for teaching the middle two about time

these stick on with magnet!

even the pot handles are in chicken motif and the dials are shaped like eggs!

comes with a hook to hand the red mitten

really cute!



even the handles are rooster motif

Enough on how beautiful is this set as kids probably can’t appreciate it as much as the mummy. To them, it will be how much fun hours can they get out of it – especially there is no light and sound effect.

It is interesting that my 2 year old seems to be enjoyed the kitchen set the most of my 4 kids. He will spend a good time playing with it…pretending to wash his hand at the sink, cooking, cleaning etc. He will also make the water flowing sound when he “washes” his hands at the sink -pretend play at its best.

I also added the existing fruits and food set so make it more fun to play as there are more things to be “cooked”.


Besides pretend play toys, Janod has puzzles, musical instruments, blocks, magnetic books, pull along toys etc, not a single toy by Janod require batteries. So if you are ever looking to invest in some toys or buying as a gift, do look into buying such range of toys and from reputational brands like Janod. I am sure some of the toys can be even pass on to your kids’ kids in future. You can view the full range of Janod toys here.

Besides Janod, My Miracle Baby also carries mummies and kids related products such strollers , swaddles, car seats from reputable brands all over the world –  a one stop webstore for mummies and mummies-to-be too!

My Miracle Baby




Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.  No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own. 

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Post event review : ACT 3 INTERNATIONAL PRESENTS ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar & Other Eric Carle Favourites’

A quick raise of hands (though i cant see them), how many of you have not read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to your child or you have not heard of this story. I hope there is none but if there are parents who have not heard of this story, you must have been living in a cave!. This is THE MOST famous story by Eric Carle and most preschoolers in Singapore would have known this story through their parents or the childcare. (Other book which comes close to this popularity would be Brown Bear , Brown Bear, what do you see? which also by Eric Carle. )

I had read this story so many times over to 4 different kids over the course of 8 years! All my kids loved this book in their younger days and now it is my 2 year old’s favourite bed time story. I can’t be more excited for my youngest as he will be meeting The Very Hungry Caterpillar (actually the older kids had yet to catch this production before even though they staged it before some years back).

ACT 3 International presents The Very Hungry Caterpillar; Little Cloud and The Mixed Up Chameleon by Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia, Canada. It will be presented using black light theatre and its suitable for ages 3 to 6 years old , however, if you have a 2 year old like mine who loves the story through and through , this may be one of the best productions to introduce your child to the wonderful world of children’s theatre productions.

You must be wondering what is black light theatre. It uses UV lighting, a dark stage, black curtains and fluorescent costumes to create a magical visual feast. ‘Black light’ enables puppets and props to appear on stage as if they are animated on their own (see video below)

Besides featuring The Very Hungry Caterpillar (which i do not need to elaborate on the storyline) , there are 2 more stories by Eric Carle as part of the productions – Little Cloud and The Mixed Up Chameleon.

After following the metamorphosis of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, join bored Little Cloud who decides to stray away from his fellow mates to go on a thrilling adventure transforming himself into an airplane, a sheep, a clown with a funny hat and even a shark!

And lastly, follow The Mixed Up Chameleon who doesn’t think he’s special changing colours everyday. He finally embraces his uniqueness only after an identity calamity happens when he decides to emulate the different animals he meets at the zoo.

Post event review

I do have high expectation of this show as I know some of the stories inside out and the show  did not disappoint at all. With the use of black light theatre, even as an adult watching the show, I often wonder how did the puppeteer weave such magic into the production, what more for the children watching their favourite characters coming to life for a whole 1 hour!

The show started with Little Cloud followed by The Mixed Up Cameleon. And saving the best of the last was The Very Hungry Caterpillar which I am sure most of the audience are waiting for!

All the kids in the audience (I know for sure would have known the stories by heart) were calling out the names of the cloud formations in the Little Cloud, the animals in the zoo that The Mixed Up Cameleon visited and all the food and fruits that The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate!

Yes, it was a more rowdy audience than usual but understandably they are all enthusiastic children enchanted by the magic of the puppets and the Eric Carle’s stories.

During the q&a session after the show , I was surprised to see only 2 puppeteers . The sheer amount of work through the 1 hour show, I was amazed that it was only handled by 2 puppeteers and 1 stage manager. They unveil some of the magic behind the show during the q&a session. One of the kid in the audience wanted to see how the cocoon was created and the puppeteers were most glad to show how they create the cocoon from the caterpillar – simply ingenious.

This is one production that you do not want to miss for your younger kids (recommended ages from  3 to 6) growing up with all Eric Carle’s favourite. Even my 2 year and 3 month old was glued to his seat for most of the show even though he only know The Very Hungry Caterpillar story only. The show runs till this Sunday , 15 Oct 2017.

This is definitely the perfect Children’s Day treat for all kids growing with Eric Carle’s stories!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar & Other Eric Carle Favourites

Fri, 6 – Sun, 15 Oct 2017

Weekdays: 10am

Weekends & 6 Oct 2017 (Children’s Day): 10.30am & 2.30pm

Some shows include a 40 min backstage tour to see how a black light theatre works and how the characters come to life!

Venue: Victoria Theatre
Tickets prices start from SGD 18 (Excludes Booking Fee)
Book through this link
Giveaway (ended)

ACT 3 International has kindly sponsored 1 family  package of 4 tickets for the 10.30am show on 7 Oct 2017 1 lucky reader

1. Liked FB pages of mypreciouzkids.com and ACT 3 International

2. Followed mypreciouzkids and ACT 3 International on Instagram

3. Liked and share this FB post (tag 3 friends) publicly.

Please keep your Facebook shared post public (as indicated in step 3)  in order to qualify so that I can locate your entry.

I will be picking the 1 lucky winner using random.org. The giveaway closes on 1 Oct 2017 2017 2359pm (Sun)

FB winner: Shawn Quek

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