True story: My 3 kids age 7, 9 and 11, were trying to choose some art and craft to do at an event and one of which requires some amount of free hand drawing and painting. Quickly, my older 2 age 9 and 11 were intimidated to the extent that one of them told the organiser ” I am very bad at drawing!” (both do not atttend weekly art classes). Personally I do not think my 9 and 11 year are really bad at drawing just that they do not draw regularly and lack the confidence to do so hence before attempting to even start drawing they already gave up.
In contrast , small C my youngest, having attended a year of Heart Studio took on that craft which require drawing and painting with zero hesitation and shown utmost confidence he will be able draw and paint on it! He even said he in response to his sibling’s statement, ” I am very good at drawing!” Such confidence from my youngest all thanks to his weekly classes in Heart Studio. On hindsight, I should have given my older kids the opportunity to attend weekly art classes when they were younger so that they will not be intimidated by the mere need to just draw/ paint based on imagination or even replicating from a sample! This confidence that small C had portrayed is also not due to his talent (frankly, I dont think he is very talented in drawing) but it was from the confidence he is able draw and paint from his weekly classes in Heart Studio.
Back to term 3 final project which is to explore Art on Chinese Ming Vases, interesting this is like the first Asia or Chinese art work, most of the time, we explore the works from Europe and also the West.
For the first week , the kids introduced to all the fun facts about Chinese Ming Vases , what they are made of, price, designs and motif on the vases. On their art project booklet, they will choose a main character be it a phoenix, dragon, flower as the centrepiece of the vase. Small C chose a phoenix. He drew the entire phoenix on his own with Teacher Pearl drawing her own version on the sideline. I must say he has drawn with 80% accuracy.
In the second and third week, they will transfer their sketches on to the art paper followed by gentle water colour painting replicating what we normally see on Chinese vases, the background and the branches coming out from the vase. Small C chose a soft purple hue for the back ground.
Finally to complete painting the finer details, to scrunch the sakura crepe flowers and glue them on the branches.
I believe this the first piece of art work which I feel is very Asian, very Chinese unlike the rest were more from Europe and the West! Another awesome piece from small C and most importantly I am most proud his utmost confidence in drawing and painting after attending weekly art classes with Heart Studio.
Do check out Heart Studio fun art enrichment classes for children as young as 3 and even to older kids who are building their art portfolio for DSA. Check out their upcoming holiday classes for the Sept holiday too!
1 Charlton Lane #01-04, Singapore 5396
(65) 6554 7563
Wed-Fri: 10:00am to 8:30pm, Sat: 9:30am to 6:00pm, Sunday: 9:30am to 4:30pm
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