I had previously review two awesome products from Gakken Asia – the Go Go workbook series and also New Block. You can read the reviews here.
I am so happy that they have ventured into science kits means big J can benefit from the excellent product range from Gakken Asia. It will be less than half a year more before he will be doing science subject in primary school, but it is my biggest worry as he not only need to handle the current subjects but another subject which may seems foreign to him.
I know that science is all around but I have not done a very good job in exposing him to the wonderful world of science because I am not a very science person myself (though I did science all the way to junior college).
We have dabbled in some home-based science experiments through subscription boxes before and it is true that kids are naturally curious and wanting for more. I couldn’t be more glad when Gakken Asia send across three of their best-sellers science kits for my kids to try. There are many more of such science kits but these are the 3 sets that have been translated from Japanese for the use of the English speaking market.
Air Magic Experiment Kit
I chose to open this as I thought it offered the most hands-on interaction and seemingly most interesting of the 3 kits. All the materials are provided with the exception of 2 AA batteries. The set focuses on airflow and nature of air and its levitational ability. An easy to understand guidebook is also part of the kit to guide parents and child on types of experiments to try.
There are in total 15 types of experiments coming out from this kit.
Nature Observation Telescope Kit
This was the second kit that we attempted to do. It requires the child to build their own light weight telescope. So the first part of the “fun” is to assemble your own telescope.
The booklet that comes with the kit will give some ideas on how to do observation through this telescope. It is also advisable to prepare a notebook so that your child can jot down his observation.
3 Colour LED light
And the final kit, was the 3 Colour LED light. Another quick- to -assemble science kit just like the telescope which is the part of the initial fun. Thereafter we have to wait for night time or a dark room to perform the suggested experiments.
The guide book that comes with the 3 colour LED light kit.
We waited till it was dark to do a few of the suggested experiments. The 3 primary colour torchlight can be used to lit transparent object and create shadow. One of the suggested experiment is to shine the light onto transparent object and you will see a kaleidoscope of colours spreading after the object. We will be trying this next once i get some samples of transparent objects such as egg packs, transparent spoon or PET bottles.

did you know the interception between the 3 primary colours is WHITE! When you widen the dial on the torchlight, from the 3 colours, you will be able to found 7 colours too!
Next we can also do shadow play with the 3 colour LED torchlight . It is more fun that the typical torchlight that only emit 1 colour. With the 3 colour LED torchlight, you can see an array of colours projected. There is an experiment to see the shadow in 3D , where we only use the red and blue lights. With home made 3d glass (paper pattern provided in guide boo)., you will see the shadows appearing in 3D.
As the science kits are original produced in Japan, the guide books have been translated into English, however, the English translation may not be at its best. That said, there wont any difficulty understanding the instruction and guide based on the translated English.
Even though there are a plethora of home-based science experiments that you can find on youtube or on the internet, we often lack the materials and initiatives to perform them at home. Hence subscription boxes and science kits are the next available option (lazy mummy) to do some science experiments at home.
These science kits are excellent for rainy days where we were stuck at home and we can indulge in some family bonding and at the same time discover some science and hopefully to fuel the kids interest in the science subject.
Currently the science kits can be purchased at the following locations:
- All Popular outlets (https://www.popular.com.sg/)
- Kinokuniya (https://singapore.kinokuniya.com)
- Junior Page (https://junior-page-books.myshopify.com/)
- Big Tree (https://www.big-tree.com.sg/)
Gakken Asia
Gakken Asia has kindly sponsored 3 Colour LED light science kit worth SGD 25.90 to 1 lucky reader.
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Please keep your Instagram profile public (as indicated in step 3) in order to qualify so that I can locate your entry. I will be picking the lucky winner using random.org. The giveaway closes on 3rd Sept 2017 2359pm (Sun).
FB: Winnie Low
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
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