This is the second of a 3 part series blog review for the wonderful publications and products by Add-venture Learning. It is not just 1 magazine but 2 magazines in 1 issue. Hence each issue has 2 covers, The Wonderful World of Words (WOW) and Exploring Our World.
The Wonderful World of Words (WOW)
This magazine follows the adventure of the Royal family of WOW and learning grammar in the fun way. The first issue introduces King Norman Nautilus Noun. No prizes for guessing what the King will be teaches the readers….NOUNS! There are colourful pictures to introduce what are nouns and even a picture puzzle to find nouns in the picture. In the second issue, Queen Verb is being introduced to the readers and there was a fun exchanges between the King and Queen whether Noun or Verb is more important.
Besides introducing the royal family, the magazine also introduces the Fabulous Forest of WOW. Kids will also learn grammar through problem solving by helping Owl, Rabbit and Squirrel by finding out why the animals of WOW are behaving so strangely. There are also fun mazes and games to accompany each story.
This magazine introduces social issues and values through the use of stories, poems and lots of hands-on activities which follows the adventures of Kit and his friends, Mitra and Hairy. They will be exploring the world around them and introduce values such as positive self-esteem, how everyone is special and many more through the 8 issues.
What accompany this magazine are many fun hands-on activities. Some of the examples are shown in the pictures below:
There is a poetry corner to introduce the values taught in each issue.
Finally like in the +venture in Maths magazine, there is a half a page of Parent’s page to outline how parents can further encourage the child using the values outline in each issue and on how to use the Hands-on activities with the child.
There is also a section called “Dear Kit” where the child can send short notes to the publisher and they will be rewarded with little gifts.
Both magazines are written by local English educators and are in line with MOE syllable.
With all schools on STELLAR programme for English language, there is no longer a textbook or a workbook for English. Some parents like myself may be a bit lost when we don’t see thick textbook to accompany the child’s learning. With the Inspire magazines, the parents are guided as to what the expectations are for primary 1 English syllable.
The colourful and short comic strips on both magazines are also very engaging not just for my p1 boy but also for my younger kids aged 3 and 5. They are able to appreciate the stories and also engage in the hands on activities such as finger printing whereby the kids are introduced the concept that finger prints are unique.
I am also thinking of using this magazine to slowly introduce English in a more systematic manner to my 5 year old girl instead of throwing her with English worksheets and workbook randomly (that was what I did for J).
The magazine can be subscribed via school or home at a price of SGD 37 for 8 issues per academic year (additional top up of SGD 10 for home delivery). As this magazine is newly launched in 2015, , currently they only have it for primary 1 and are currently working on issues for the primary 2 onward. For more details, do check out their website.
You can view my earlier post in on +venture in Maths here.
Next up, will be my review of the many many games that you can play with your kids using the Numbers and Geomety Math-A-Morphosis game sets. As there is continued emphasis for less screen time and more face time, board games are the way forward and I can tell you my kids are begging for me to play with them every night ever since they spotted these two sets at home!
The giveaway will be revealed on the third and final post of this blog series, do follow these blog posts closely. Do remember liked and shared this blog post as well to qualify and also like mypreciouzkids on facebook so that you wont miss the final blog series which has the giveaway as well.
Disclosure: I received a set of +venture in Maths , Inspire and Math-a-morphosis game sets for the purposes of my review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
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