Cherub Rubs was founded by an Australian mum of 3 who couldn’t find safe and natural skincare for her babies. When her second baby developed severe nappy rash, she decided to develop her own products to treat him given her background as a naturopath. She created Cherub Rubs , a 100% natural and organic skincare range for infants and kids with sensitive, dry atopic skin or eczema.
Cherub Rubs contains
No synthetic or genetically modified ingredients
No petrochemical
No pesticides
No chemical fertilisers
No chemical preservatives
This brand has 7 products in total. All products are suitable from newborns to adults and even pregnant women (with the exception of Skin Guard Plus which are targeted for kids above 3).
Organic baby shampoo
Using lemon oil and orange oil (the smell does need some getting use to but the kids did not complain), this is a super gentle formula to keep big C tresses shiny and soft. I find this formulation gentle especially after exposing her hair to harsh elements such as clorine from the public pool. Given its no more tears with natural sulphate-free foaming action, I also use this on small C as he is in still in the stage of unable to close his eyes when washing hair. I do not want the hair shampoo to leave stinging sensation on their eyes.
Baby safe hair and body wash
The composition is largely similar to that of the organic baby shampoo (hence the smell is quite similar to that of the organic baby shampoo). I really like the combi of a single bottle for both hair and body especially for boys hair. They only need a small small amount for their short hair, so I preferred the hair and body wash combi for them. I am particularly careful when choosing their body care especially for small J and small C as they have eczema prone skin. However, given that Cherub Rubs is a 100% natural and organic skincare, I didn’t have any worry. What makes it even more wonderful it consist of a blend of essential oils rich in Vitamin A-C-E!
Skin Balm
I always bring skin balm as a cure it all during my travels. I can’t be bringing a bottle for each ailment so skin balm are a quick fix it. From nappy rash to dry skin (due to changes in climate and humidity during travels), Cherub Rubs skin balm contains sandalwood, calendula and chamomile oils to soothe the dry skin while the organic butters and macadamia oil help in the regeneration process. As small C is already off diapers, I wont be able to test this as a diaper cream. However, I did use it as a moisturizer during travel mode which works wonderful.
Skin Soothe
Small J often feel discomfort when he does out into the hot sun due to sensitive skin. Using a concoction of aloe vera, centella and calendula oil, the lotion has a cooling effect on irritated skin. Given that only small J has this issue, this bottle is solely for his use. He often cut short his outdoor activities or fall into his grumpy mood when he start scratching due to heat. This product is dual purpose in providing him relief from the itch and also soothe his eczema.
This formulation also works for stings, bites and rashes too!
This is Scatterbugs plus UV protection. This is a 3 in 1 outdoor protection against UVA, UVB (SPF 8), bugs and dry skin. I love how versatile this solution, with just one application it protects my children against UV rays and also keep the mozzies at bay! This save me the trouble of bring a bottle of sunscreen and a bottle of insect repellant during outings. High SPF also generally implies a high level of harmful chemical filters, which are absent in Scatterscreen which is only at SPF8.
This uses lemon eucalyptus oil which is gentler than the usual citronella oil found in most insect repellent. This is definitely one for the newborns and babies. I am often at lost when I bring my babies outdoor as I know most insect repellent are only meant for kids above 1. So I normally will only use mosquito patch for those below 1. With the Scatterbugs, you can apply this even on newborns too!
Skin Guard Plus
This is the enhanced version of the Scatterbugs hence this is recommend for kids 3 years and up, adults including pregnant women. What it has is more lemon eucalyptus oil as compared to the Scatterscreen or the Scatterbugs which I get means more protection for the older kids!
Cherub Rubs
Cherub Rubs has kindly sponsored the same full set (with the exception of Skin Guard Plus) that is being reviewed worth SGD 150 .
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Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
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