If you are ever in a fix that you have forgotten to arrange for flower delivery for friends or loved one, and desperately need an affordable bespoke bouquet delivered in 1 hour – look no further – we have One Hour Florist
With prices as low as SGD 45 for a premium surprise bloom box, they even saved your headache of going through a long list of bouquets to choose from which a very short comprehensive selection. As it is surprise bouquet, you just need to answer a few different options – age, relationship, occasion and one word to describe the recipient, they will choose the best possible combination of premium quality blooms – roses etc and your recipient will receive it in 1 hour!

This was exactly what I received on my birthday last month, the premium
surprise hand bouquet. For ladies who seems to have it all, or you are unsure what to gift, flowers are the safest bet! Unpractical it may sound but all women, young or old love receiving fresh blooms on special occasion. I am no different.
One Hour Florist has a limited range on their menu to cater for last minute gifting – bloom box, bouquet , heart box and flower dome. For flowers where you have more time to cater and choose, there is the sister company Farm Florist. You can read my review here.
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